Spectroscopic Techniques and Hindered Molecular Motion presents a united, theoretical approach to studying classical local thermal motion of small molecules and molecular fragments in crystals by spectroscopic techniques. Mono- and polycrystalline case studies demonstrate performance validity.
The book focuses on small molecules and molecular fragments, such as N2, HCl, CO2, CH4, H2O, NH4, BeF4, NH3, CH2, CH3, C6H6, SF6, and other symmetrical atomic formations, which exhibit local hindered motion in molecular condensed media: molecular and ionic crystals, molecular liquids, liquid crystals, polymeric solids, and biological objects. It reviews the state of studying the hindered molecular motion (HMM) phenomenon and the experimental works on the basis of the latest theoretical research.
Case Studies
- Physical models of hindered molecular motion
- General solution of the stochastic problem for the hindered molecular motion in crystals
- Formulae of the angular autocorrelation function symmetrized on the crystallographic point symmetry groups
- Formulae of the spectral line shapes concerning the dielectric, infrared, Raman, nuclear magnetic relaxation, and neutron scattering spectroscopy in the presence of the hindered molecular motion
- Experimental probation of the theoretical outcomes
- Proton relaxation in three-atomic molecular fragments undergoing axial symmetry hindered motion
- Structural distortion in the ordered phase of crystalline ammonium chloride
Organic compounds, polymers, pharmaceutical products, and biological systems consist of the molecular fragments, which possess rotational or conformational degrees of freedom or an atomic exchange within the fragme
About the Author: Dr. Ferid Bashirov
Education: Ph.D. in Physics of Magnetic Phenomena in 1972 and Doctor of Sciences in Condensed Matter Physics in 2006 at Kazan State University, Russia (later renamed Kazan Federal University)
Professional Activity: Lecturer for General Physics and Chair of the Teaching Laboratory for Electricity and Magnetism at Kazan Federal University, Lecturer for Physics at the University of Oran (Republic of Algeria, 1975-1978), and the University of Conakry (Republic of Guinea, 1998-2010).
Research interest: Dynamical and structural studying of condensed molecular media (both experimental and theoretical) by spectroscopic techniques such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation, Dielectric Relaxation, Incoherent Neutron Scattering, Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy.
Scientific and technical contribution:
- Manufacturing the coherent pulsed NMR-spectrometer of high performance for laboratory purposes
- Growing single-crystals from aqueous solution
- Discovering the tetragonal distortion of the crystal structure by studying the anisotropic properties of proton magnetic spin-lattice relaxation in the ordered phase of cubic ammonium chloride
- Inventing the extended angular jump model for the hindered molecular motion
- Developing the theory of the hindered molecular motion united for single crystals, polycrystals and liquids (advanced HMM-theory)
- Developing the spectroscopic technique application of the advanced HMM-theory
He took part in International Scientific Meetings: Congress AMPERE-1994 (Kazan, Russia), International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy ICORS-1996 (Pitts burg, Pennsylvania, USA), Nuclear and Electron Relaxation Workshop - 1997 (Piza, Italy), Congress AMPERE-1998 (Berlin, Germany), Collogue AMPERE-1999 (Vilnius, Lithuani