Governments around the world use machine learning in automated decision-making systems for a broad range of functions, however algorithmic bias in machine learning can result in automated decisions that produce disparate impact and may compromise Charter guarantees of substantive equality. This book seeks to answer the question: what standards should be applied to machine learning to mitigate disparate impact in automated decision-making? The regulatory landscape for automated decision-making, in Canada and across the world, is far from settled. Legislative and policy models are emerging, and the role of standards is evolving to support regulatory objectives. While acknowledging the contributions of leading standards development organizations, the authors argue that the rationale for standards must come from the law, and that implementing such standards would help not only to reduce future complaints, but more importantly would proactively enable human rights protections for those subject to automated decision-making. The book presents a proposed standards framework for automated decision-making and also provides recommendations for implementation in the context of Canada's Directive on automated decision-making. As such, this book can assist public agencies around the world in deploying and developing automated decision-making equitably, as well as being of interest to businesses that utilize automated decision-making processes.
About the Author: Natalie Heisler has advised public and private sector organizations around the world in the strategy and deployment of data, analytics and artificial intelligence for more than twenty years. Natalie brings a unique, multidisciplinary perspective to her work, spanning social, regulatory, policy and technical dimensions. Natalie has a BA in Psychology, an MSc in Mathematics and an MA in Political Science, and lives in Toronto, Canada.
Maura R. Grossman, JD, PhD, is a research professor in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo and an affiliate faculty member at the Vector Institute of Artificial Intelligence, both in Ontario, Canada. She also is principal at Maura Grossman Law, in Buffalo, New York, USA. Professor Grossman's multidisciplinary work falls at the intersection of law, health, technology, ethics, and policy.