The story of Stargazer is about a young flower sprite who is a beautiful Stargazer Lily. She emerges from within the earth into an Enchanted Garden filled with wonderful, whimsical characters such as Faer and unflappable Butterfly and Ora the uppity Spider.
At first, Star is happy being in the garden until she meets Faer the Butterfly, who flies to places beyond the garden. He returns with wonderful tales about mountains, rivers and fields of flower sprites.
Star becomes restless. She feels confined to her flower and longs to be free. No longer happy who she is, she longs to fly to other worlds or to be a star in the greater universe.
She is rather envious of Ora the Spider who is very comfortable being who she is.
Prue McDonell lives in the outskirts of Robertson, a small village in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia.
Her background is in primary school teaching, homeschooling and working with people with disabilities. She has written stories since she was seven years old.
Prue's stories are inspired by the time she spent as a child in the garden of her grandmother's house. It was here that she developed a fascination and love of nature.
The experience Prue gained throughout her career compelled her to encourage children, through books, to find their strengths and talents and to draw on them to create for themselves a productive and fulfilling life.
Prue believes that every child is unique and has the potential to be whatever they want to be. She hopes that her stories encourage children to achieve their full potential in life.
Prue draws upon nature to awaken in children an awareness of how each of us is intrinsically connected to the planet and the importance of nurturing it for their future.