Besides being a presentation of general statistics, this book's purpose is to show, in a general fashion, how quantified real estate information can assist in the evaluation of both the internal and market forces affecting the value of real estate. The book concludes with a brief summary of techniques, along with suggestions on how individuals or agencies can best use them. An appendix lists available software together with hardware requirements. Business Information Alert
Statistics are an undisputed tool in the field of real estate science. Those measuring neighborhood change, economic value, and market effects have long relied on statistics to predict fluctuations and variances in the value of real estate more accurately. The purpose of this book is not to cover similar ground, however, but to show in a more general fashion how quantified real estate information can assist in the evaluation of both the internal and market forces affecting the value of real estate.
From a general presentation on the use of statistics designed to make the reader comfortable with language and procedures, the book goes on to cover such topics as descriptive statistics, index construction, probability, normal distribution, sampling, and inferential statistics, as well as correlation and regression techniques, allowing for more complex statistical analyses. The book concludes with a brief summary of techniques covered, along with suggestions on how individual real estate agents or agencies can proceed with the most basic, yet useful analyses. An appendix documents the types of software available for analyses to be performed on personal computers together with their hardware requirements. Statistics for Real Estate Professionals will be of particular value to real estate agents and specialists who seek a practical understanding of how statistics can improve the analysis of real estate data.
About the Author: REBECCA F. GUY is a sociologist at Memphis State University who has been teaching statistics for the past 18 years. She has coauthored a number of books including Conversation Analysis: The Sociology of Talk, Social Psychology as Social Process, Social Research Methods: Puzzles and Solutions, and Women of Color and Southern Women: A Bibliography of Social Science Research: 1975 to 1988.
LOUIS POL is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Roy E. Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College. He has published in the areas of demography and business demography, research methodology, and urban housing in American Demographics, Journal of the American Dental Association, Health Marketing Quarterly, Healthcare Forum, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Social Science Quarterly, Social Forces, Contemporary Policy Issues, Social Science Journal, Housing and Society, Urban Studies, and Review of Public Data Use. His book, Business Demography: A Guide and Reference for Business Planners and Marketers (Greenwood Press, 1987), focuses on the use of population data and a demographic analysis in a business context. Pol has served as a consultant to the Memphis Board of Realtors, the City of Memphis, Westat Inc., and a large number of small businesses.