physicalI pay my gratitude towards all the sportspersons, Physical education teachers, coaches
and Administrators of Delhi, for being cooperative and understanding. It was not possible to
conduct my field work without the support of the individuals associated with schools, training
centers, sports academies and stadiums in Delhi & NCR, which willingly spent time to provide the
data required for the study.
I express my gratitude to Dr. D.K Kansal, HOD, Department of Physical Education &
Sports Sciences, (Faculty of Inter-disciplinary and Applied Sciences), University of Delhi, Delhi
(INDIA) for his wisdom and support along this journey of my dissertation. I would like to thank,
for the insight he provided as I worked to accomplish this goal.
I am greatly indebted to Dr. Rajbir Singh, supervisor of my Ph.D. for being not just a
teacher and a mentor, but a sincere friend who helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses,
skilled me in critical self-evaluation and helped me adopt humble attitude and flexibility without
any hesitation to learn from every available source in the process of research. His constant
inspiration and persuasive monitoring of work throughout the research work is beyond my words
to explain. He has a great ability to take out the best from the students, and I was really fortunate
to have him as a supervisor. This study could not have taken this shape without him as my
supervisor; his contribution will go a long way in my professional life.