Readers who want a less mathematical alternative to the EQS manual will find exactly what they're looking for in this practical text. Written specifically for those with little to no knowledge of structural equation modeling (SEM) or EQS, the author's goal is to provide a non-mathematical introduction to the basic concepts of SEM by applying these principles to EQS, Version 6.1. The book clearly demonstrates a wide variety of SEM/EQS applications that include confirmatory factor analytic and full latent variable models.
Written in a "user-friendly" style, the author "walks" the reader through the varied steps involved in the process of testing SEM models: model specification and estimation, assessment of model fit, EQS output, and interpretation of findings. Each of the book's applications is accompanied by: a statement of the hypothesis being tested, a schematic representation of the model, explanations of the EQS input and output files, tips on how to use the pull-down menus, and the data file upon which the application is based. The book carefully works through applications starting with relatively simple single group analyses, through to more advanced applications, such as a multi-group, latent growth curve, and multilevel modeling.
The new edition features:
- many new applications that include a latent growth curve model, a multilevel model, a second-order model based on categorical data, a missing data multigroup model based on the EM algorithm, and the testing for latent mean differences related to a higher-order model;
- downloadable resources includes all application data;
- vignettes illustrating procedural and/or data management tasks; and
- description of how to build models both interactively using the BUILD-EQ interface and graphically using the EQS Diagrammer.
About the Author: Barbara M. Byrne is Professor Emeritus in the School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada. An internationally recognized expert in the area of SEM, Dr. Byrne's research focuses on construct validity issues as they relate to theoretical constructs and measuring instruments. She is the author of 7 popular introductory books on SEM and has conducted over 100 SEM workshops at conferences, universities, and test publishers around the globe. In addition to the publication of over 95 book chapters and scholarly journal articles, most of which have addressed SEM application issues, she is the author of an important reference book, Measuring Self-concept Across the Lifespan: Issues and Instrumentation. Dr. Byrne is the recipient of three Distinguished Teaching Awards presented by the Canadian Psychological Association, the American Psychological Association (APA), and the APA, Division 5 (Jacob Cohen Award). She is a Fellow in two APA Divisions, is a Foundation member on the International Board of the SELF Research Centre, University of Western Sydney, Australia, and is an elected member of the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology.