Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. Monitoring tasks in aerospace.- Chapter 3. Defect types.- Chapter 4. Aerospace requirements.- Chapter 5. Ultrasonics.- Chapter 6. Vibration based monitoring.- Chapter 7. Acoustic emission.- Chapter 8. Strain monitoring.- Chapter 9. Data reduction.- Chapter 10. Conclusions.
About the Author: Markus Sause studied physics with a minor in computer science and received his doctorate in natural sciences. His habilitation dealt with the development and combination of in situ test methods for the characterization of fiber composites. Currently he is professor for Mechanical Engineering at the Institute for Materials Resource Management at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Materials Engineering of the University of Augsburg.
The focus of his research is the material behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced composites, the development of test methods for material characterization as well as modelling and data analysis. This ranges from the determination of micromechanical properties to the improvement of mechanical testing concepts at component level. A special focus is the application of in situ test methods for the study of damage progression. This ranges from the use of classical testing methods such as X-ray computed tomography, acoustic emission analysis and guided waves to specialized methods such as electromagnetic emission. Parallel to experimental approaches, multiscale and multiphysics modelling is used to derive insights on the principle of the test methods. Alongside this fundamental research, the developed methods are continuously improved for condition monitoring and structural health monitoring applications.
As of 2020, Markus Sause has authored more than 140 scientific publications among them two monographs and several book chapters.
Since 2017, he is Chairman of the Acoustic Emission Test Procedures Committee of the DGZfP and is a member of the Executive Board of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE).
Elena Jasiūniene received a Master degree in applied electronics, and a Ph.D. degree in Metrology and Measurements (all from the Kaunas University of Technology) and is currently a chief researcher at Prof. K. Barsauskas Ultrasound Research Institute and professor at Department of Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology. Throughout this career, Prof. Jasiūniene has acquired a very extensive and diverse knowledge in non-destructive testing, x-ray computed tomography, and ultrasonic measurements.
Prof. Jasiūniene has extensive experience in management of multidisciplinary research projects through supervision of national and international (EU) collaborative projects that have been widely recognized for their high impact output, and was involved in many projects concerning various applications of non-destructive testing techniques for aerospace industry, space research, nuclear plants, etc. Other activities include: expert of European Commission, scientific advisory officer EASN (European Aeronautics Science Network) Board of Directors, and expert for European Commission and Research Council of Lithuania.