The fifty-fourth volume of Studies continues its tradition of presenting a wide range of articles by international scholars on bibliography, textual criticism, and other aspects of the study of books.
The volume opens with G. Thomas Tanselle's latest survey of writings on textual criticism, this one covering the last five years of the twentieth century, followed by James McLaverty's account of the life and work of David Foxon, and a discussion of the nature of electronic texts. Other articles weigh new attributions (to Shakespeare, Fielding, Godwin, and De Quincey), examine how editors have treated their subjects (Shakespeare's plays, Richardson's correspondence, and Johnson's dictionary), bring to light lost works (by Lancelot Andrewes and a variety of twentieth-century writers), and unravel complicated textual histories (of a late eighteenth-century periodical, a Byron poem, and a Conrad novel).
The articles and their authors are:
"Textual Criticism at the Millennium," G. Thomas Tanselle, Guggenheim Foundation; "David Foxon, Humanist Bibliographer, " James McLaverty, Keele University; "'Littera scripta manet: Blackstone and Electronic Text," Michael Hancher, University of Minnesota; "Thoughts on the Authenticity of Electronic Texts," G. Thomas Tanselle, Guggenheim Foundation; "John Manningham's Diary and a Lost Whit-Sunday Sermon by Lancelot Andrewes," Paul J. Klemp, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh; "A Funerall Elegye... not... by W.S. after All," Jill Farringdon; "Fielding's Contributions to The Comedian (1732)," Martin C. Battestin, University of Virginia; "What Did Anna Barbauld Do to Samuel Richardson's Correspondence? A Study of Her Editing," William McCarthy, Iowa State University; "Form and Function in the English Eighteenth-Century Literary Edition: The Case of Edward Capell," Marcus Walsh, University of Birmingham; "'This instance will not do' George Steevens and the Revision(s) of Johnson's Dictionary," R. Carter Hailey, Washington and Lee University; "Two New Pamphlets by William Godwin: A Case of Computer-Assisted Authorship Attribution," Pamela Clemit, University of Durham and David Woolls, University of Birmingham; "A Bibliographical History of Thomas Howes' Critical Observations (1776-1807) and His Dispute with Joseph Priestley," David Chandler, Doshisha University; "The First Publication of Byron's 'To the Po'", Andrew M. Stauffer, Boston University; "Joseph Conrad's Under Western Eyes: The Serials and First Editions," Roger Osborne, Australian Defense Academy; "Unrecorded Writings by G. K. Chesterton, H. G. Wells, Padraic Colum, Mary Colum, T. S. Eliot, George Bernard Shaw, and William Butler Yeats," Arthur Sherbo, Michigan State University
About the Author: David L. Vander Meulen is Professor of English at the University of Virginia.