In case of "I have purchase enough insurance protection for my
future" the value of F=0.893 with significance level p=0.040 of individual's
occupation as independent value. Here the assumed significance level (α =0.05) is
greater than calculated values i.e. α =0.05> p=0.040. In case of "I believe that it is
important to have a financial plan" the value of F=1.265 with significance level
p=0.250 of individual's occupation as independent value. Here the assumed
significance level (α =0.05) is lesser than calculated values i.e. α =0.05> p=0.250.
In case "I regularly read on finance topics in regard to banks, commodity market
etc." the value of F=0.284 with significance level p=0.984 of individual's
occupation as independent value. Here the assumed significance level (α =0.05) is
lesser than calculated values i.e. α =0.05
literacy campaign can be a good way to improve on digital financial literacy" the
value of F=1.710 with significance level p=0.008 of individual's occupation as
independent value. Here the assumed significance level (α =0.05) is greater than
calculated values i.e. α =0.05
have a financial plan"; "I regularly read on finance topics in regard to banks,
commodity market etc." the calculated significance level i.e. (p value) is greater
than assumed level of significance (α =0.05). Henceforth, H0 Null hypothesis-
There is no significant association between individual's occupation and their
level of financial literacy was rejected by 0.05 level of significance.
H1 Alternate hypothesis- There is a significant association between