More than ever, solar energy is proving to be a viable, safe, abundant source of renewable energy to help meet today's energy requirements around the world. At the core of just about all solar energy research, whether for site planning, or real time aiming of the most sophisticated concentrating receivers, heliostats, and photovoltaic tracking systems, is the need to know exactly where the sun is in the sky, at any given time and at any given location on the earth. The intent of this book is to meet that need more efficiently and with better usability than just about any resource available.
The Algorithms are written in 9 common programming languages. The languages are:
C language source code
C# (C-Sharp) source code
Excel VBA source code
Fortran source code
Java source code
Javascript source code
PHP source code
Python source code
VB (Visual Basic) source code
About the Author:
John Clark Craig is a passionate programmer from way back. Along the way he learned and used several programming languages, such as BASIC, Visual Basic, FORTRAN, C, C#, Java, Javascript, PHP, Python, Excel VBA, Forth, and micro controller assembly languages.
John has written almost two dozen books on a variety of programming topics, published by Microsoft Press, O'Reilly Media, and others. John's technical background and work as lead Software Engineer for several of the world's largest solar energy projects during the 1980's and beyond qualifies him uniquely for authoring this book.
You can write to John at
If you are looking for software engineering consulting or contract help, please contact John to check availability