Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the most important ideas ever conceived in particle physics. It is a symmetry that relates known elementary particles of a certain spin to as yet undiscovered particles that differ by half a unit of that spin (known as Superparticles). Supersymmetric models now stand as the most promising candidates for a unified theory beyond the Standard Model (SM).
SUSY is an elegant and simple theory, but its existence lacks direct proof. Instead of dismissing supersymmetry altogether, Supersymmetry Beyond Minimality: from Theory to Experiment suggests that SUSY may exist in more complex and subtle manifestation than the minimal model.
The book explores in detail non-minimal SUSY models, in a bottom-up approach that interconnects experimental phenomena in the fermionic and bosonic sectors. The book considers with equal emphasis the Higgs and Superparticle sectors, and explains both collider and non-collider experiments. Uniquely, the book explores charge/parity and lepton flavour violation.
Supersymmetry Beyond Minimality: from Theory to Experiment provides an introduction to well-motivated examples of such non-minimal SUSY models, including the ingredients for generating neutrino masses and/or relaxing the tension with the heavily constraining Large Hadron Collider (LHC) data. Examples of these scenarios are explored in depth, in particular the discussions on Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric SM (NMSSM) and B-L Supersymmetric SM (BLSSM).
About the Author: Professor Shaaban Khalil is Professor of High Energy Physics, founder and Director of the Center for Fundamental Physics as well as General Director of Research at Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt. He is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Southampton, UK. He is the Team Leader of the Egyptian group in the CMS experiment at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. He has published more than 200 scientific papers in prestigious scientific journals. His research has been widely recognised and he has received several national and international awards, including the prestigious "Stat Award of Excellence" from Egypt.
Professor Stefano Moretti is Professor of Particle Physics Phenomenology at the University of Southampton as well as co-founder and Director of the NExT Institute, UK. He is also Visiting Scientist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, and Associate Scientist to CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, through the CMS experiment. Professor Moretti has published more than 200 scientific papers in prestigious scientific journals. His research has been widely recognised and he has received innumerable national and international awards, including an Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy from Uppsala University, Sweden, where he is a regular Academic Visitor.