Inspired by Lisa McMann's The Unwanteds and later Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games, the young-adult fantasy adventure Survival of the Elements offers a fresh perspective on a dystopian future. Written by twelve-year-old author Matthew Albren, the tale begins on a small island during its semiannual banishment meeting, known simply as the days.
Like every twelve-year-old boy before him, Xavier Key's time has come to leave home-and face imminent death. Forced to compete in a personal battle against the elements that will likely destroy him, the young boy must survive four arenas; and in order to earn the right to return to society, Xavier's self-sufficiency, battle savvy, intelligence, and courage must hold up against the elements of earth, air, water, and fire.
A coming-of-age adventure that touches on themes of friendship and believing in oneself, Survival of the Elements follows the suspenseful and inspiring journey of a boy who discovers the dark truth behind the sinister powers controlling his world while fighting for his life.
Facing down demons and overcoming betrayal are just a few of the grim obstacles young Xavier must face. Does he have what it takes to survive-and save his homeland?
About the Author: Matthew Albren is a young author already achieving his dreams at the age of twelve. An exceptional student, he enjoys school and is committed to making good grades and even better impressions. After practicing karate for four years and tennis for almost a year, he now devotes his physical energy to playing soccer.
Albren hasn't won any official writing awards-yet-but he's earned an A+ on every school writing assignment for as far back as he can remember. His story The World of Gadzooks, later renamed The World of Gazvolt, was posted on a viral news website. His latest work of fiction, Survival of the Elements, is the beginning of a dystopian fantasy series set in the world of young Xavier Key.
Albren lives in Massachusetts with his parents and his younger brother.