Chapter 1: Introduction - The driver and challenges of sustainable business modelsAnnabeth Aagaard
Chapter 2: New patterns and typologies of sustainable business models
Florian Lüdeke-Freund
Chapter 3: Designing sustainable business models: exploring IoT-enabled strategies to drive sustainable consumption
Nancy Bocken & Emilia Ingemarsdotter
Chapter 4: Sustainability goal setting with a value-focused thinking approach
Janne Huiskonen and Kaisa Manninen
Chapter 5: Sustainable business model ideation and development of early ideas for sustainable business models - Analyzing a new tool facilitating the ideation process
Saku Mäkinen, Leena Aarikka-Stenroos, Jörg Langwaldt and Ulla Sari
Chapter 6: Business models for multiple value creation - Exploring strategic changes in organisations enabling to address societal challenges
Jan Jonker and Niels Faber
Chapter 7: Managing innovation for circular industrial systems
Sofia Ritzen
Chapter 8: Leveraging sustainable business model innovation through business-NGO collaboration
Annabeth Aagaard and Lise Lodsgård
Chapter 9: Sustainable business models in an entrepreneurial environment
Raz Godelnik and Jen van der Meer
Chapter 10: Organization Identity and Value Triangle: Management of Jungian Paradoxes to Enable Sustainable Business Model Innovation
Roberto Biloslavo, David Edgar and Robert Carlo Bagnoli
Chapter 11: Performance management and enterprise excellence through sustainable business models
Rick Edgeman
Chapter 12: Summary and concluding remarks - The next step for sustainable business models
Annabeth Aagaard
About the Author: Annabeth Aagaard is Associate Professor at Aarhus University, Denmark, where she conducts research in digital and sustainable business models, innovation management, and open innovation. She is Director of the Centre for Business Development at Aarhus University, which carries out international research and projects combining business development and digital technologies. In addition, she is the CEO and owner of the consultancy company, KnowledgeHouse, which has designed and implemented strategies and development projects among top 100 companies in Scandinavia. She has 20 years of experience working in these fields, drawing on her experiences in the academic, public, and private sectors, where she was formerly a manager and management specialist. She has published nine textbooks and management handbooks and over 200 scientific papers, conference papers, and public articles in total on management, business development, innovation, and sustainability, and has published her scientific work in acclaimed, peer-reviewed journal articles, including the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Creativity & Innovation Management, and the Scandinavian Journal of Management.