Part 1 Introduction
1. An Introduction to the Challenges and Development in Sustainable Challenges and Development
Part 2 Concepts and Analytical Frameworks
2. Sustainable Production and Consumption: Mapping the Conceptual Terrain
3. An Analysis of Sustainability Index
4. Completing the Cycle: An Inclusive Capitalism approach linking sustainable consumption and production
Part 3 Sustainable Consumption and Production in Context
5. Urban advantage? Sustainable consumption and ontological cityism across the urban hierarchy
6. Energy consumption patterns in Africa: The role of biomass fuels for cooking and fuel use in the transportation sector
7. Increasing pace of urbanization and implications for food security and sustainable agriculture
8. Sustainable reproductive health production
9. Sustainable production of forest-risk commodities: Governance, disarticulations, and uneven geographies
10. Incentives for Technological Development in the Presence of Environmentally Aware Consumers
Part 4 Innovating Markets and Policies for Sustainable Consumption and Production
11. Interaction between government and business in efforts to shape sustainable markets for sustainable production and consumption
12. The Trans-formative with Trans-parency: Untapping Ground-Up Environmental Information and New Technologies for Sustainability
13. Achieving Sustainable Production through Creative Destruction: Reflections on a multidisciplinary project 14. Motivations for investment in sustainable consumption and production
15. Climate-Friendly Default Rules
Part 5 Critical Perspectives
16. Feminist Ecological Economics: A Care-Centered Approach to Sustainability
17. Producing and Consuming Sustainability in Business Education
18. We Know We're Hypocrites, But Do We Believe It?: The Limits and Possibilities of Hypocrisy Discourse for Sustainable Consumption
About the Author: Ranjula Bali Swain is Visiting Professor and Research Director at Center for Sustainability Research (CSR) & Misum, Stockholm School of Economics and Professor of Economics, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden. Her research focusses on sustainable development, environmental economics and development.
Susanne Sweet is Associate Professor and Research Director at Center for Sustainability Research, Stockholm School of Economics. Sweet's research covers a broad range of topics on corporate sustainability and responsibility and she has for the past eight years been the research manager for a large cross disciplinary research program on circular fashion.