1. Introduction: What are Early Successional Habitats, Why are they Important, and How Can they be Sustained? Cathryn H. Greenberg, Beverly Collins, Frank R. Thompson III, W. Henry McNab
2. Subregional Variation in Upland Hardwood Forest Composition and Disturbance Regimes of the Central Hardwood Region. W. Henry McNab
3. Natural Disturbances and Early Successional Habitats. Peter S. White, Beverly Collins, Gary R. Wein
4. Fire in Eastern Hardwood Forests through 14,000 Years. Martin A. Spetich, Roger W. Perry, Craig A. Harper, Stacy L. Clark
5. Structure and Species Composition of Upland Hardwood Communities After Regeneration Treatments Across Environmental Gradients. David L. Loftis, Callie J. Schweitzer, Tara L. Keyser
6. Spatial and Temporal Patterns in the Amount of Young Forests and Implications for Biodiversity. Stephen R. Shifley, Frank R. Thompson III
7. Herbaceous Response to Type and Severity of Disturbance. Katherine J. Elliott, Craig A. Harper, B. Collins
8. The Role of Young, Recently Disturbed Upland Hardwood Forest as High Quality Food Patches. Cathryn H. Greenberg, Roger W. Perry, Craig A. Harper, Douglas J. Levey, John M. McCord
9. Population Trends for Eastern Scrub-Shrub Birds Related to Availability of Small-diameter Upland Hardwood Forests. Kathleen E. Franzreb, Sonja N. Oswalt, David A. Buehler
10. Bats and Gaps: The Role of Early Successional Patches in the Roosting and Foraging Ecology of Bats. Susan C. Loeb, Joy M. O'Keefe
11. Reptile and Amphibian Response to Hardwood Forest Management and Early Successional Habitats. Christopher E. Moorman, Kevin E. Russell, Cathryn H. Greenberg
12. Managing Early Successional Habitats for Wildlife in Novel Places. J. Drew Lanham, Maria A. Whitehead
13. Conservation of Early Successional Habitats in the Applachian Mountains: A Manager's Perspective. Gordon S. Warburton, Craig A. Harper, Kendrick Weeks
14. Early Successional Forest Habitats and Water Resources. James M. Vose, Chelcy R. Ford
15. Carbon Dynamics Following the Creation of Early Successional Habitats in Forests of the Central Hardwood Region. Tara L. Keyser
16. Forecasting Forest Type and Age Classes in the Appalachian-Cumberland Subregion of the Central Hardwood Region. David N. Wear, Robert Huggett