Part I: Forming Synapses in a Dish
1. A Cell Culture System to Investigate the Presynaptic Control of Subsynaptic Membrane Differentiation at the Neuromuscular Junction
Nadine Schmidt, Sreya Basu, Stephan Köger, and Hans Rudolf Brenner
2. Co-Culture Synaptogenic Assay: A New Look at Fluorescence Reporters and Technological Devices
Karen Perez de Arce and Massimiliano Stagi
3. Synaptogenic Assays Using Neurons Cultured on Micropatterned Substrates
Katalin Czöndör and Olivier Thoumine
4. Monitoring Synapses Via Trans-Synaptic GFP Complementation
Theodoros Tsetsenis
5. Generation of Spinal Motor Neurons from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
David P. Santos and Evangelos Kiskinis
Part II: Analyzing Synaptic Constituents
6. Biochemical Purification of Binding Partners of Synaptic Scaffold Proteins
Bekir Altas, Olaf Jahn, and Hiroshi Kawabe
7. In Situ Protein Binding Assay Using Fc-Fusion Proteins
Nirmala Padmanabhan and Tabrez J. Siddiqui
8. Reconstitution of Synaptic SNAREs into Large Liposomes with Reduced Curvature Stress
Javier M. Hernandez
9. Isolation of Synaptosomes, Synaptic Plasma Membranes, and Synaptic Junctional Complexes
Mary L. Michaelis, Lei Jiang, and Elias K. Michaelis
10. Purification of Synaptosome Populations Using Fluorescence-Activated Synaptosome Sorting
Elisa Luquet, Christoph Biesemann, Annie Munier, and Etienne Herzog
Part III: Observing Synaptic Structure and Ultrastructure
11. Optimized Protocol for Imaging Cleared Neural Tissues Using Light Microscopy
Yoh Isogai, Douglas Richardson, Catherine Dulac, and Joseph Bergan
12. Structured Illumination Microscopy for the Investigation of Synaptic Structure and Function
Soyon Hong, Daniel K. Wilton, Beth Stevens, and Douglas S. Richardson
13. 3D dSTORM Imaging of Fixed Brain Tissue
Frank Herrmannsdörfer, Benjamin Flottmann, Siddarth Nanguneri, Varun Venkataramani, Heinz Horstmann, Thomas Kuner, and Mike Heilemann
14. Photomarking Relocalization Technique for Correlated Two-Photon and Electron Microcopy Imaging of Single Stimulated Synapses
Miquel Bosch, Jorge Castro, Mriganka Sur, and Yasunori Hayashi
15. 3D Analysis of Synaptic Ultrastructure in Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Culture by High-Pressure Freezing and Electron Tomography