The ultimate operator's manual to the Human Condition and unlocking the true power of the Spirit.
A decade of collected writings revealing the full research and discovery of new advancements in 21st century "New Thought" are culminated together to present the most complete guide, reference and course curriculum of "Mardukite Systemology" established to date. Here is the technology to ensure a true spiritual "transhuman" evolution into the future. Underground materials originally composing over 8 books in total are expertly arranged for Truth Seekers in one amazing volume!
For the first time, anyone can gain unhindered access to the most complete collection of practical "NexGen" teachings and techniques drawn directly from the secret knowledge and wisdom of Arcane Tablets of the Ancient Mystery School. We are standing at the cusp of a true "New Age" for humanity--standing in witness to the dawning light on the horizon of a Crystal Age. Here is the definitive textbook for reaching the highest state of knowing and being, a first of its kind, including: "Tablets of Destiny," "Crystal Clear," "Mardukite Zuism," "The Power of Zu," all materials from "Systemology: Original Thesis" and as an additional bonus: critical materials excerpted from a specially designed Mardukite Master Course for achieving the greatest success on "The Pathway to Self-Honesty."
This future may be shaped in Self-Honesty only by the highest caliber "spiritual technologies" at our disposal--methods that only a small esoteric demographic of the population has kept a possession of, and which is markedly only being developed, refined and radiated into this existence by those few who are "in the know." In "Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential," Joshua Free maps the highest route to esoteric knowledge--expertly bridging materials from the "Mardukite Research Library" with the wisdom and latest clarity revealed by the advanced "NexGen Systemology" New Thought division of the "Mardukite Research Organization." This provides a concise and accessible guide to the fundamentals of "cosmic ordering" and the "systematization" of the Human Condition, described on cuneiform tablets as "control of the Divine ME"--or else, the "Arts of Civilization"--the supreme knowledge and wisdom that commands all true authority of godhood in the heavens and sovereignty on earth. Access to this amazing potential is now available to all!
Take control of your destiny and chart the first steps toward your own personal spiritual evolution. Realize new potentials for the Human Condition in Self-Honesty. Reclaim the freedom of the spirit and achieve Ascension in this lifetime with a manual of techniques and teachings so profound, that its effectiveness has been deemed "Crystal Clear."
When a Seeker attains actualized Awareness outside of physical existence, therein alone lies the true personality of the Spirit, the individuated "I" that is Self. This is the state of Self free of worldly fragmentation. The Seeker has extended the reach of Awareness and the ability (and responsibility) of Self-direction from the point of WILL as Cause in the Universe, rising above lower planes of Effect and Desire.
Here is the map and compass to "pilot" your own destiny and the future evolution of Humanity!
Here are the Secrets of the Human Condition, Life, Reality and the Universe known only to the most secret underground cabals throughout history and the highest echelons of elite and Illuminati still alive and operating today!