About the Book
Jewish werewolves robbing hospitals for blood in India, tiny golems disguised as children's dolls defending their communities from the inquisition, gossiping ghosts discussing the harvest, lingering legacies from Pharonic Egypt, meditative Chinese mazikeen, and protective German shedim: this book explores a rich global tapestry of Jewish folklore that will enchant adults and young readers alike.
Drawing from the Talmud, Mishnah, Kabbalah, and other sacred texts, this collection not only entertains but also provides a deeper understanding of Jewish mystical traditions. Accompanied by thoughtful analysis and scholarly citations, this is both an enjoyable read and a valuable resource for those interested in learning more about Jewish traditions and mysticism.
Includes annotated bibliography with brief but interesting and entertaining biographies of authorities.
Table of Contents: Introduction: Excerpt from On the Giants, by Philo
The Minyan of Shadows
Excerpts from the Shulchan Arukh, Yoreh De'ah 179
Yakov and the Mountain King
Excerpt from the Berakhot 18b:12
The Shabbat Guest
Excerpt from the Mishneh Torah, Foreign Worship and Customs of the Nations 1 and 2
The Klutzy Mazikeen of Rachmim
Excerpt from Chullin 105b:15-106a:1
Excerpt from Shulchan Arukh, Choshen Mishpat 378:1
The Mazikeen in the Cooking Pot
Excerpt from Rambam on Leviticus 17:7:1
The Monster in Almah's Closet
Excerpt from Berakhot 62a:8-9
Excerpt from the Avodah Zarah, 42b:13-15
Tea for Two
Excerpt from Sforno, on Deuteronomy
Who Cries for Spilled Milk?
Excerpt from Sippurei Maasiyot 3
A Night in the Cemetery
Excerpt from Rambam on Leviticus 17:7:1
Excerpt from Shabbat 31a:11
Blood for Blood
Excerpt from Rabbenu Ephraim's Commentary from R. Natan Slifkin
Excerpt from Berakhot 3a:15
Excerpt from Shulchan Arukh, Even HaEzer 17:10
The Lion's Shadow
Excerpt from Pesachim 111b:4
Excerpt from Midrash Tanchuma 3:13
The Tiny Golem and the Angel of Death
Excerpt from Rosh on Sanhedrin 7:8:1
Excerpt from the Zohar, Chayei Sara 15:110
Shadows on the Path of Darkness
Excerpt from Kiddushin 29b
Who Dreams of Living Waters?
Excerpt from Eruvin 18b:10-12
Excerpt from the Zohar, Chayei Sara 15
After Words: a Tale of Wolves and Lions
Annotated Bibliography
Table of Authorities, Together with Brief (But Entertaining) Biographies of their Authors
Table of (Some Interesting) Further Reading