BUSINESSES TODAY WIN THE GAME WITH TEAMINGThe business landscape has shifted in recent years. It's no longer a world where a few individuals have all the answers. The speed with which change is occurring and will continue to accelerate is driving the need for specialization.
The workforce is changing. As baby boomers retire, and with millennials having very specific views on business prescribes, attracting the right players and leveraging their unique skills is key to staying competitive today.
We know the challenges businesses currently face. We've been there. We've experienced the pain points. We'll teach you how to:
Build a winning and highly productive culture
Triple your revenue growth, build efficiencies, and reduce expenses
Learn how to create more time to enable expansion of your business
Identify how to attract and retain key players that can raise your level of play
Create a simple game plan and winning execution strategy
Teaming is the most fundamentally sound business concept available today to help businesses grow their organizations and dominate their markets. Organizations that embrace it now will be the ones still in business in the coming years.
Whether you are a leader, top achiever, or someone looking to embrace teaming in your organization, The Team Game will give you the playbook you need to create a winning culture and a highly profitable business.
The greatest challenge leaders face today is constant change. When it arrives in the form of new technology, new laws, or new consumer preferences it can disrupt a business's core competencies and disrupt momentum.
Leaders and organizations are forced to change to find new ways of thinking to adapt new business strategies and, at times, rebuild their cultures from scratch. You may choose to ignore the opportunity to find new ways, but those that choose to remain the same will eventually be left behind.
What is an absolute certainty in our lifetime is that the rate of change will only continue to accelerate.The game continuously changes, hence, you must remain flexible and fluid in order to compete.
And here is the greater truth: Because change accelerates, the game never stops being played. The game is fueled by change.
Leaders today need to approach change in a new way. You need to put in place an effective process to navigate through the changes. And that s where teaming comes in.
YOUR TEAM GAME COACHES JOHN F. BUCSEK and BELLARIA JIMENEZ are partners in a multimillion-dollar firm that has been using teaming for the past 20 years. They've done the research on how businesses can grow and thrive amid changing times and create a winning culture. And now they re giving you their playbook for getting into the game and staying there.John F. Bucsek
John F. Bucsek is a Certified Financial Planner whose success in building and implementing change in financial firms spans four decades. John has been brought into organizations that require an overhaul when change is inevitable and all else has failed. He is the recipient of many industry awards and honors, and is active in several industry associations, including the Impact Committee for the AALU and the board of trustees of the GAMA Foundation for Education and Research.
Bellaria Jimenez
Bellaria Jimenez is a Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Financial Consultant, and a member of GAMA, WIFS, FPA, and NAIFA. She has received several recognitions throughout her career, including the Hispanic Corporate Achiever of the Year; Top 50 Business Women in New Jersey; and the Prominent Woman Award.