This book provides readers to the vision of Society 5.0, which was originally proposed in the fifth Basic Science and Technology Plan by Japan's government for a technology-based, human-centered society, emerging from the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). The implementation of AI and other modern techniques in a smart society requires automated data scheduling and analysis using smart applications, a smart infrastructure, smart systems, and a smart network.
- Provides an overview of basic concepts of Society 5.0 as well as the main pillars that support the implementation of Society 5.0.
- Contains the most recent research analysis in the domain of computer vision, signal processing, and computing sciences for facilitating smart homes, buildings, transport, facilities, environmental conditions and cities, and the benefits these offer to a nation.
- Presents the readers with practical approaches of using AI and other algorithms for smart ecosystem to deals with human dynamics, the social objects, and their relations.
- Deals with the utilization of AI tools and other modern techniques for smart society as well as the current challenging issues and its solutions for transformation to Society 5.0.
This book is aimed at graduate and post graduate students, researchers, academicians working in the field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
About the Author: Dr. Lavanya Sharma is Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Information Technology at Amity University UP, Noida, India. She did her M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) in 2013 from Manav Rachna College of Engineering, affiliated to Maharshi Dayanand University, Haryana, India. She did her Ph.D from Uttarakhand Technical University, India as a full time Ph.D Scholar in the field of Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision in the year April 2018, and also received TEQIP scholarship for the same. Her research work is on Motion based Object Detection using Background Subtraction Technique for Smart Video Surveillance. She is a recipient of several prestigious awards during her academic career. She has about more than 20 research papers to her credit including Elsevier (SCI Indexed), Inderscience, IGI Global, IEEE Explore and many more. She has authored three books and two book with Taylor & Francis, CRC Press 2019 & 2020. She also contributed as Organizing Committee member Springer's ICACDS conferences 2016, Springer's ICACDS 2018, Springer's ICACDS 2019 and Springer's ICACDS 2020. She is an Editorial Member/ Reviewer of various journal of repute and active program committee member of various IEEE and Springer conferences also. Her primary research interests are Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Ad-hoc networks, Internet of Things. Her vision is to promote teaching & research, providing a highly competitive and productive environment in academic and research areas with tremendous growing opportunities for the society and her country.
Prof. P.K. Garg worked as a Vice Chancellor, Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun. Presently he is working in the department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee as a professor.. He has completed B.Tech (Civil Engg.) in 1980 and M.Tech (Civil Engg) in 1982 both from the University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee). He is a recipient of Gold Medal at IIT Roorkee to stand first during M.Tech programme, Commonwealth Scholarship Award for doing Ph.D. from University of Bristol (UK), and Commonwealth Fellowship Award to carry out post-doctoral research work at University of Reading (UK). He joined the Department of Civil Engg at IIT Roorkee in 1982, and gradually advancing his career rose to the position of Head of the Department in 2015 at IIT Roorkee.
Prof. Garg has published more than 300 technical papers in national and international conferences and journals. He has undertaken 26 research projects and provided technical services to 83 consultancy projects on various aspects of Civil Engineering, generating funds for the Institute. He has authored three text books on Remote Sensing, Theory and Principles of Geoinformatics, and Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and produced two technical films on Story of Mapping. He has developed several new courses and practical exercises in Geomatics Engineering. Besides, supervising a large number of undergraduate projects, he has guided about 72 M.Tech and 27 Ph.D. Thesis. He is instrumental in prestigious MHRD funded projects on e-learning; Development of Virtual Labs, Pedagogy and courses under NPTEL. He has served as experts on various national committees, including Ministry of Environment & Forest, EAEC Committee, NBA (AICTE) and Project Evaluation Committee, DST, New Delhi.
Prof. Garg has reviewed a large number of papers for national and international journals. Considering the need to train the human resource in the country, he has successfully organized 42 programmes in advanced areas of Surveying, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS. He has successfully organized 10 conferences and workshops. He is a life member of 24 professional societies, out of which he is a Fellow member of 8 societies. For academic work, Prof. Garg has travelled widely, nationally and internationally.