Jesus called his disciples to observe Passover, telling Peter and John to go and prepare it for the rest. "When the hour had come, He reclined at the table, and the apostles with him."
Luke 22:14
The Jewish Book used to lead as well as follow in a Seder service is called the Haggadah, a Hebrew word meaning, The Telling. It contains instructions for the Passover service along with the Passover story, itself.
The Telling is a blueprint for an organization or Church body wishing to carry out an ancient traditional Christian Passover as part of a service or an outreach program. It also contains complete instructions for the individual or family desiring to conduct such a service.
Every detail is covered, including:
*Understanding a Christian Passover
*Planning for a Passover
*Organizing for a Passover
*How to Direct a Church Passover
*Passover Checklists and Worksheets
*How to Set-up the Seder Table
*The Passover Table Place Setting
*Ancient Foods used in the Passover
*The Passover Feast (recipes & all)
*How to Conduct an In-Home Passover
The Telling is a completely illustrated guide with practical illustrations and photographs.
About the Author: Dr. Warren Chaney is an American author, filmmaker, behavioral scientist, and a pioneer in early television. He holds a Doctorate (Ph.D. in Behavioral Science and Management), an MBA (Finance), and a Bachelor of Science with a double major (Marketing and Speech and Theatre).
During a wide-ranging career, Dr. Chaney as of the date of printing, written twenty-eight books, sixteen screenplays, ten theatrical dramas, and over 400 professional and non-professional magazine and journal articles. He has written entries for Colliers Encyclopedia and was an editor for two publications, one in health care and a fictional detective magazine.
Dr. Chaney has produced nine feature films and directed eight in addition to producing and directing numerous television productions including 150 episodes of the pioneering television series, Magic Mansion. He has received considerable recognition and awards for his film and television work.
Dr. Chaney has a substantial background in behavioral science and management consulting. His former clients included such notables as NASA, Bell Telephone, Hoffman LA Roche, Celanese Chemical Corporation, the U.S. House and Senate Labor Management Sub-Committee, Humana Corporation, St. Joseph Hospitals, and many others. He has been featured in national publications and mass media to include Good Morning America, Real People, PM Magazine, CBS Weekend News and ABC Radio.
Chaney established the first public university Health Services Administration program for the state of Texas. He has served on various boards of directors and advisory boards of public companies. He was an officer in the United States Army and served in multiple military commands during the Vietnam Era. He was born in Kentucky, a native of Hopkinsville, and educated in Tennessee and Texas.
Dr. Chaney now resides in Houston, Texas, is married and has five children.