How much do you pay for your auto insurance? If you are reading this, the answer is most likely "too much!" You are looking for information that will help you save your hard-earned dollars, and you have found it.
Ten Questions has been completely updated, revised, and expanded for 2012. It has also been reformatted for the Kindle at last, and the most effective way to use the guide is to own both the ebook and paperback versions.
Ten Questions is not a book for "dummies," but it is an easy to use, half-hour read, specifically designed to help save you money.
It is a comprehensive and detailed explanation of the underwriting process involved in determining the amount of premium you pay. The facts and clear examples included in the guide are based on my years of experience as a top-rated Sales Agent, and the thousands of auto insurance policies I personally have sold.
Chapter One, "Risk" will help you understand what factors are used to determine your rating "tier," and how to improve them. The amount of premium you pay is determined by the amount of "risk" you are seen to represent. Much of that determination is made through your answers to a series of questions you will be asked, either online, or in person by an agent. These are the "Ten Questions" referred to in the title.
Chapter Two, "Discounts" contains a detailed description of nearly every available auto insurance discount, and how to obtain them. A single 5% discount that you have been missing each policy term is costing you far more than this guide will. You will also gain the knowledge that you will need to progressively lower your rates over time.
Chapter Three, "Coverages" is a comprehensive explanation of nearly every available auto insurance coverage, including what each one does, (and does not do) for you, and how to the determine the proper balance of cost versus benefit when choosing them. When you finish reading it, you will know more about auto insurance than most agents do. Ten Questions isn't about getting the cheapest policy at the cheapest price: It's about getting the best policy at the best price.
Chapter Four, "Sample Quote Process," is your ultimate weapon in getting your new policy, because it details an actual phone quote in real time, along with the "correct" answers to the "Ten Questions." Knowledge is power, and this guide is a very powerful tool that you will be able to use as long as you are driving and insuring vehicles.
Advanced Topics is new for 2012, and this section includes "Youthful Driver Strategies," and "State Specific Information," such as a layman's explanation of so-called "No-Fault" coverages, and "Full," versus "Limited" Tort.
The Appendix contains all the technical terms that are used in the guide, to help you understand the "trade talk" in the auto insurance industry.
This guide will save you money in several ways, including:
- It will help you find and qualify for discounts.
- It will show you how to improve your rating tier, and lower your "base rate."
- It will help you allocate your premium dollars more effectively, so that you get the best coverage at the best price.
Find out what the insurance companies don't want you to know, like the fact that you can switch carriers any time you want, as often as you want. You do not have to wait until your current policy renews in order to do so.
Learn the answers to the Ten Questions today, and get a better policy for less money, tomorrow.
About the Author: John David has personally written thousands of auto insurance policies in 30 different states, including the "complex" ones like New York, New Jersey, and Michigan.
He was the # 1 ranked Sales Agent nationwide for 15 consecutive months, writing for a major online-based auto insurance carrier.
John has won multiple awards for sales performance and innovation, as well as for writing and editing in various media.
He has devoted hundreds of hours of labor, at great professional risk, to bring the information contained in this guide to the insurance consumer.