This monograph addresses, in a systematic and pedagogical manner, the mathematical methods and the algorithms required to deal with the molecularly based problems of bioinformatics. Prominent attention is given to pair-wise and multiple sequence alignment algorithms, stochastic models of mutations, modulus structure theory and protein configuration analysis. Strong links to the molecular structures of proteins, DNA and other biomolecules and their analyses are developed.
About the Author: Shiyi Shen
Since 1985, professor of mathematics, 1987-1998: chair of the department of mathematics, and the dean of the college of mathematical sciences; a standing committee of China Mathematical Society, the director of the Tianjin Mathematical Society. 1984-1986: visiting scholar of Cornell University; visiting scholar of Stanford University, and visiting researcher at the Hong Kong Chinese University. Shiyi Shen's fields of scientific interest are informatics and bioinformatics. His publications include about 60 journal papers and 6 books (Chinese).
Jack Tuszynski
Professor (from 07/1993 until present). Department of Physics, University of Alberta
Research Manager of the Neurons Group, (May 1, 2000- June 1, 2001) Starlab NV, Brussels, Belgium
Visiting Professor, Department of Physics, Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon, France (December 2000, June-September 2001)
Senior Visiting Fellow, Laboratory of Biomolecular Dynamics, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (November-December 2000 and February-March 2001)
Adjunct Professor (from March 1, 2000). Department of Oncology, Division of Medical Physics, University of Alberta.
Visiting Professor (07/1995 - 09/1995). Institut fÃ1/4r Theoretische Physik, J. Liebig-Universität GieÃYen, Germany.
Visiting Professor (07/1993 - 08/1994). Institut fÃ1/4r Theoretische Physik, H.Heine-Universität DÃ1/4sseldorf, Germany.
McCalla Professor (07/1992 - 07/1993). Department of Physics, University of Alberta.
Guest Professor (summer 1992), Visting Scientist (summer 1994, spring 1996). Institute of Mathematical Modelling, Danish Technical University, Lyngby.
Associate Professor (07/1990 - 07/1993). Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton. Tenure granted effective July 1, 1991.
Assistant Professor (01/1988 - 06/1990). Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton. Field: theoretical condensed matter physics.
Honorary Assistant Professor (01/1988 - 01/1991). Department of Physics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland.
Assistant Professor (09/1983 - 01/1988). Department of Physics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's. Field: theoretical condensed matter physics. Tenure granted as of September 1, 1987.
Post-doctoral Fellow (04/1983 - 09/1983). Chemistry Department, The University of Calgary. Supervisor: Professor R. Paul. Field: Molecular biophysics.