Denmark, the land of social welfare, a great community and one of the happiest countries in the world, on the surface sure.
What they don't tell you about, is stories like mine, It's not a secret, it's just not a focus, I know that I'm not alone in the things I have experienced and my story might not be the worst, but it's the only one I know in its entirety.
I'm tired of people asking me about my story and then getting offended when they hear it and say that I'm stuck in the past, exaggerating or lying.
Denmark's child welfare program is broken and so are many facets of the welfare system in Denmark, kids are removed from their families at an alarming rate, in a well meaning attempt to better their lives, but more often than not It ends up destroying them and their family.
The jobcentres in Denmark are usually seen as more of a glorified daycare, not producing any results and pretty often makes it more difficult getting a job or education, sometimes destroying people's psyche and future prospects in the process.
The municipalities are plagued with misinformation, exaggeration, personal opinion and misconduct.
My goal with this book is to not have to tell my story over and over again and hopefully shine a light on some of the things wrong with my beloved country and it is going to be a lot easier to go to a psychologist, now that I can just throw a book at them and not having to repeat myself again and again, just for them to realize it is too much for them to handle, hehe.