This book aims to analyze from a multidisciplinary perspective the current geopolitical conflict between East and West, between two differentiated and apparently conflicting cosmogonic visions. The geopolitical evolution of the current panorama seems to lead to a new world in the field of international relations, a new board played on a planetary level. Once again, bloc geopolitics can be glimpsed in the immediate future, in which the most important actors such as Russia, China, the United States of America, and the European Union are called to position themselves with respect to the territorial and strategic ambitions of the opponent. International law seems to be overwhelmed by military actions and factual pressure on the ground, while the battle of ideas extends to the technological field and cyberspace. The different origins of the authors, with extensive academic, military, police forces, and business experience undoubtedly enriches the unique perspective that this work intends to address, always in the attempt to enforce international law and the channels of dialogue between nations, such as the best solution to conflicts.
About the Author: Dr. Juan Cayón Peña was born in 1968 in Madrid. French Language and Civilization (Sorbonne, 1988, Paris), Law Degree (UPCO, 1991, Madrid), Diploma in Legal Practice (UPCO, 1992, Madrid), Law Ph.D. Law Philosophy, morals and politics (UPCO, 1998, Madrid) and Rector of Nebrija University from 2014 to 2020. His university administrative career includes from Department Director to one-person positions in the university government, such as Secretary General, ViceRector for Institutional Relations, and Vice-Rector for International Relations in two different Universities. Throughout his teaching career, which began in 1993, he has taught a panoply of subjects and courses that cover all his specialty areas. Dr. Cayón has been appointed visiting professor at different foreign universities. During this time, he has been a Collaborating Professor in the Management of the Ministry of Justice and of the Training and Improvement Division of the National Police, as well as a lecturer at other prestigious Universities such as the Sorbonne University in Paris, the University of Buenos Aires, the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile), and the Higher Center for National Defense Studies CESEDEN (Spain) He has directed several doctoral works and published 17 book chapters in indexed publishers such as Aranzadi Thompson-Reuters, Cambridge Scholar Publishing or Springer, as well as quite a few research articles in different journals. Corresponding academic at the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation (Spain), where he is a member of the Ibero-American Law Section and of the permanent seminar on Natural Law; He is also a corresponding academic at the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Puerto Rico and a Fellow at the World Academy of Arts and Sciences He belongs to the Spanish National Group of the Pugwash Movement (Nobel Peace Prize 1995) and is also a full member of the Bolzano-based Institute for European Studies Antonio Rosmini He has been awarded the First Class Cross of San Raimundo de Peñafort by the Spanish Ministry of Justice, the Grand Cross of Naval Merit by the Spanish Ministry of Defense. In the international arena, among others, he was recognized with the Medal of the Colombian War School and the academic distinction of the General Directorate of Schools of the National Police of Colombia and the Peruvian Lawyers Order by Lima Bar Association, among other distinctions.
Dr. J. Martín Ramírez was born in Madrid. Honorary Professor of Nebrija University, currently, he is Chair of its Center for Conflict Studies, of the CICA International Foundation; and of the Spanish Pugwash Movement (Peace Nobel Laureate, 1995). He studied Medicine, Humanities, and Law, obtaining a Ph.D. degree in Medicine and Surgery (Neurosciences) and in Philosophy (Education), as well as three Diplomas and a Master's in National Defense at the Spanish MoD Center for Advanced Studies for Defence (CESEDEN). He is a Humboldt & Fullbright Fellow at Ruhr Universität and Stanford, respectively. Dr. Martín Ramírez is also a Research Fellow of the International Security Program of Harvard University and Visiting Fellow of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, probably the two most important left-leaned and right-leaned American think-tanks, respectively. He also served as Visiting Professor and Research Fellow at universities in Israel, France, Poland, Wales, Australia, Japan, Canada, Iran, Guatemala, Germany, and the USA. He has been awarded multiple international honors, such as being several times official of the Boarding Counsel of the International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA), on the Advisory Board of the Society for Terrorism Research and of the Professors World Peace Academy, and Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Sciences and of the New York Academy of Sciences, as well as a Professional Award on Aggression and Interethnic Conflicts by the East-West Center, established by the United States Congress, among others. Dr. Martín Ramírez is the author of about 500 scientific publications, books, and articles, in more than ten languages. He has also been Head of the Universidad Complutense Research Group on Sociopsychobiology of Aggression, Head of the Departments of Psychobiology at the Universities of Seville and Complutense, and Director of the Cabinet of the Rector at the Autonomous University at Madrid.