If you're returning to the workplace after an extended period of employment, you need to understand that job hunting has changed. Today's job market is a competitive, rapidly evolving arena, with little tolerance for outdated résumés and interview tactics.
Tired of Eating Peanut and Jelly Sandwiches? provides the skills needed to secure employment in today's job market-before you're reduced to eating PB&J for dinner.
Author, engineer, and business development professional James F. Watson, PhD, PE, FASM, has thirty years of experience interviewing, hiring, and promoting job applicants. Under Watson's expert tutelage, you'll discover the most effective job-hunting strategies, including how to answer that most intimidating interview question, "Why were you laid off?"
Watson helps job seekers update and polish their résumés to provide the information today's employers demand and offers a detailed discussion on the importance and structure of cover letters. He outlines the importance of networking during a job search and reminds readers of seemingly small but all-important actions to take before, during, and after an interview.
A complete and helpful guide to the harsh realities of modern job hunting, Tired of Eating Peanut and Jelly Sandwiches? proves that persistence and attention to detail quickly lead to gainful employment.
About the Author: James F. Watson, PhD, PE, FASM, has twenty-five years of experience interviewing, hiring, supervising, and promoting professionals in the fields of science and engineering. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of California and a fellow of the American Society for Metals.
Dr. Watson worked for seven corporations, three startups, and one government lab for a total of forty-plus years in scientific, engineering, and business development positions.