Toxic...No More - a memoir and more
"Classy, clever, unmatchable" Paul Abbott - creator/writer Channel 4's No Offence, Shameless, State of Play, Clocking Off
How can you have a decent middle and end after a toxic beginning?
Amanda Smith's raw, witty memoir reveals how after growing up in a hate-filled household with adoptive parents, she thought she'd found domestic bliss with the love of her life. Er..nope. Instead she fell, reckless, hopeless and powerless into..a psychiatric unit, alcoholism and a second failed marriage, finally succumbing to a relationship with a psychopath who encouraged her to commit suicide. At rock-bottom she realised her five children really needed their mother alive - and 'present'. She lives to tell the tale.
"A brilliant piece of work - a revolution on the inside" Dan McCulloch - producer ITV's Victoria
"I LOVED this book. I really, really liked the writing style - intense yet tender" Amy Jones - The Sun
"Very lively and highly readable" Fay Weldon - author Life and Loves of a She Devil
"...a story of survival...Moving, mesmerizing and profoundly life-changing. This is a hugely important work that I believe will empower individuals to break free from the tyranny of addiction and 'Stockholm Syndrome' trauma-bond relationships" Hilary Betts MSc - Addictions and trauma therapist
"I can't tell you how excited I was to hear and read your work. Your talent for language and words and nuance is thrilling and disturbing in equal measure - but disturbing only for its exceptional quality! Whatever you do, and however proud you dare to become of yourself...promise me you'll never pretend that 'damage' is what got you to here. I spent years thinking precisely this, before coming to terms with the fact that this chronic deception is actually just another form of self-inflicted abuse. The talent belongs to no-one but you. It's its own thing." Paul Abbott