Ethical issues in traditional and complementary medicines - The need for a calm assessment
Chapter 1. Defining traditional and complementary medicine
1.1 What's in a name?
1.2 The differences between T&CMs and conventional medicine
1.3 A pragmatic approach
1.4 The T&CM family
1.5 A global perspective
1.6 T&CM usage
1.7 T&CM benefits
1.8 T&CM controversy
Chapter 2: Defining health
2.1 Setting aims and objectives in health care
2.2 The World Health Organization's definition of health
2.3 What does health look like?
2.4 Towards a new definition of health2.5 The implications of the new, Huber et al. definition of health
Chapter 3: An ethical matrix for traditional and complementary medicine
3.1 The ethical matrix
3.2 The conceptual basis of the ethical matrix
3.3 The ethical matrix in this analysis
3.4 The next steps
Chapter 4: Ethical challenges for humans using traditional and complementary medicines
4.1 Adverse effects in medicine
4.2 Safety in the conventional healthcare system
4.3 Safety in T&CM
4.4 Adverse drug reactions and herbal medicine
4.5 Addressing the ethical challenges
4.6 Adverse events and homeopathy
4.7 Addressing the challenges
Chapter 5: Ethical challenges for animals from traditional and complementary medicine
5.1 Animals in the ethical matrix
5.2 The use of animals in conventional medicine
5.3 Animals, T&CM and wellbeing
5.4 Animal ethics
5.5 Ethical analysis: The use of animals in T&CM products
5.6 Recommendations for the use of animals in T&CM products
Chapter 6: Ethical challenges for the environment from traditional and complementary medicine
Abstract6.1 Humans and the environment
6.2 Analysing the environmental impacts of Western herbal medicine
6.4 Future-proofing T&CM
Ethical challenges for humans
Ethical challenges for the environment
Ethical challenges for animalsConclusion