Space-time transformations as a design tool for a new class of composite materials (metamaterials) have proved successful recently. The concept is based on the fact that metamaterials can mimic a transformed but empty space. Light rays follow trajectories according to Fermat's principle in this transformed electromagnetic, acoustic, or elastic space instead of laboratory space. This allows one to manipulate wave behaviors with various exotic characteristics such as (but not limited to) invisibility cloaks.
This book is a collection of works by leading international experts in the fields of electromagnetics, plasmonics, elastodynamics, and diffusion waves. The experimental and theoretical contributions will revolutionize ways to control the propagation of sound, light, and other waves in macroscopic and microscopic scales. The potential applications range from underwater camouflaging and electromagnetic invisibility to enhanced biosensors and protection from harmful physical waves (e.g., tsunamis and earthquakes). This is the first book that deals with transformation physics for all kinds of waves in one volume, covering the newest results from emerging topical subjects such as transformational plasmonics and thermodynamics.
About the Author: Dr. Mohamed Farhat obtained his master's degree in theoretical physics in 2006 and his PhD in optics and electromagnetism in 2010 from Aix-Marseille University, France. He has since been a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas at Austin, USA; the University of Jena, Germany; and the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia. He has authored over 120 publications, including 50 journal papers, 4 book chapters, 2 international patents, and 60 conference papers, with over 1500 citations (h-index 20). He has also organized many special sessions at Metamaterials conferences and is an associate editor of Advanced Electromagnetics.
Dr. Pai-Yen Chen is an assistant professor in the electrical and computer engineering department at Wayne State University, USA. He received his PhD in electrical and computer engineering in 2013 from the University of Texas at Austin. He was a research scientist at the Metamaterial Commercialization Center (MCC), Intellectual Ventures Laboratory (IV-Lab), from 2013 to 2014 and an assistant researcher at the National Nano Device Laboratory, Taiwan, from 2006 to 2009. Dr. Chen has been involved in multidisciplinary research on high-frequency electronics, electromagnetics, and light wave technologies. He has received many prestigious honors, best-paper awards, and industrial scholarships.
Dr. Sebastien Guenneau is research director at Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France. He graduated with a PhD in mathematical physics on homogenization of quasi-crystals and photonic crystal fibers in 2001 from Aix-Marseille University. He then worked as a postdoc and lecturer in London and Liverpool, UK. Dr. Guenneau currently works at Institut Fresnel on models of seismic metamaterials with an ERC grant. He has coauthored over 140 papers, has coedited 2 books, and holds 5 patents. He is an associate editor of Proceedings of the London Royal Society Series A and EPJ Applied Metamaterials.
Dr. Stefan Enoch obtained his PhD in 1997 from Aix-Marseille University. He then became an assistant professor there. In 2001 he joined the CNRS. He received the CNRS Bronze Medal in 2006. Dr. Enoch is currently a senior researcher at the CNRS and the director of Institut Fresnel. He is also a member of the editorial board of Journal of Modern Optics and was associate editor of Optics Express for eight years.