This captivating collection of fiction, nonfiction and poetry brings together a diverse group of writers who delve into tattoos in terms of class, body image, history, empowerment and transformations. It's an investigation into why people get tattoos and how they transform a person's life.
There are 19 pieces in this collection including memoir, transgressive fiction, horror, magical realism, sci-fi, literary fiction, poetry and personal essays.
Our contributors are debut and award-winning. All are exceptionally talented. We have published a number of them in our previous anthologies including Liam Hogan, Karla Linn Merrifield, Claire Askew, Julian Bishop and Michal Kamil Piotrowski.
Here is the full list:
Claire Askew, Julian Bishop, Valerie Bence, Harriet Bradshaw, Maisie Brown, Meredith Davidson, Daniela Esposito, Callum Henderson, Liam Hogan, Erin Hosfield, Maria Jastrzębska, Di Lebowitz, Dominic Lyne, Louisa Mastromarino, Karla Linn Merrifield, Michal Kamil Piotrowski, Emily Ricard, Liz Beth Turner and Sabrina Woolf.
With each indelible mark mapping an undercurrent of personal change and identity, The Transformative Power of Tattoo is an exploration of the transformative power bound to the art of tattooing.