About the Book
List of chapters
1 The first transportation engineering course [maps chapters with FE Exam topics, ABET student outcomes]
2Transportation & transportation systems [includes USDOT, state DOT structures, Hwy Trust Fund, UTC, ITE, TRB]
3Transportation statistics [reviews transportation systems of different modes at the national level]
4Traffic descriptors and traffic stream models [microscopic and macroscopic variables, traffic stream models]
5Traffic data collection [includes data collection practices]
6Probabilistic traffic models [vehicle count and headway distributions, travel time reliability]
7Queuing models [D/D/1 queuing]
8LOS analysis: concept [includes public involvement]
9LOS analysis: basic freeway segments [updated to follow 2022 version of Highway Capacity Manual]
10At-grade intersections [includes traffic conflict, roundabouts]
11Interchanges [includes double crossover diamond interchanges]
12Signs and markings [includes raised pavement markers, dynamic message signs]
13Geometric design: human and vehicle factors
14Geometric design: horizontal curves
15Geometric design: vertical curves
16Traffic safety [includes crash records, collision diagram, countermeasures, traffic calming, Vision Zero]
17Traffic signals: Concept
18Traffic signals: Timing plan calculations [include signal timing sheet]
19Traffic signals: Advanced topics [include coordination, transit signal priority, hawk signal]
20Parking [includes parking generations, LOS analysis, university parking, smart parking]
21Urban Transportation Planning [the 4-step procedure, all required federal processes]
22Urban Public Transportation [bus, BRT, MRT, systems integration, transit oriented development]
23On-demand public transportation [taxi, carsharing, bikesharing, ridesourcing, scooter sharing]
24Intelligent transportation systems [traces ITS developments since 1980s, includes freeway service patrol]
25Connected and automated vehicles [discusses impacts on traffic flow, signal and geometric designs]
26Freight logistics [includes container shipping, port operations, trucking, freight across the US-Mexico border]
27Air transportation [landside and airside infrastructures, airport and airline operations]
28Rail transportation [includes grade crossing, train signaling, high-speed rail]
29Non-Motorized transportation [pedestrian and bicycle facilities]
30Sustainable, resilience, equitable transportation [air quality, resilience polygon, horizontal & vertical equity]
31Transportation and border security [include TSA, Customs & Border Protection and CDC inspection processes]
About the Author: Dr. Ruey Long (Kelvin) Cheu graduated with a B.Eng.(Civil) degree with First Class Honor in 1978 and M.Eng degree in 1990 at The National University of Singapore (NUS). He earned his Ph.D. degree in Transportation Systems Engineering at the University of California, Irvine in 1994. He was a tenured faculty member at the Department of Civil Engineering at NUS until 2006 when he joined The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). He is currently a full Professor (with tenure) in the Department of Civil Engineering at UTEP. He is a Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, USA, and a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Dr. Cheu's diversed expertise includes Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), traffic operations, highway geometric design, transportation planning and transportation security. He has received external research funding of more than $6.1 million (as the principal investigator). Arising from these research projects, he has published more than 90 journal articles, more than 100 conference papers, graduated 11 Ph.D. students and more than 44 master students. The GoogleScholar ranks him among the top 20 most cited scholars in Transportation Engineering, with more than 5500 citations and an h-index of 38 (Feb 26, 2022). An independent study using SCOPUS data and published in PLOS Biology Journal in 2020 ranked Dr. Cheu among the world's top 2% most cited researchers in transportation. When Dr. Cheu was a faculty member in NUS, he started the first ITS research program in Southeast Asia. He was the only principal investigator of Honda's carsharing project outside the University of California system. He also directed a research project funded by the Ministry of Defense, Singapore. His service to NUS included directing the dual masters degree program in logistics and supply chain management with Georgia Institute of Technology, and the graduate diploma program in aviation management with the Singapore Aviation Academy. He also served as a consultant to Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, Land Transport Authority of Singapore, and Shell Eastern Petroleum. The UTEP community knows Dr. Kelvin Cheu as the pioneer of international education programs and interdisciplinary research, notably the dual masters degree program with Czech Technical University, funded by the U.S. Department of Education and the European Commission (the first international transportation dual masters program in a U.S. university, and the first engineering dual masters program in The University of Texas System) and the bi-national smart city study abroad program with University of Guadalajara, Mexico. His research portfolio at UTEP includes projects funded by the Texas Department of Transportation, El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Homeland Security, City of El Paso, National Science Foundation, and Partners of the Americas Foundation. In 2016, Dr. Cheu was named a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) as a pioneer in bringing artificial intelligence into the transportation engineering field...and a leader in educating students from underrepresented populations and minority groups. In the same year, he was appointed as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Transportation Science & Technology. In 2017, he becomes the Associate Director of two U.S. Department of Transportation's Tier 1 University Transportation Centers. In the same year, in recognition of his interdisciplinary work, he is elevated by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to be its Senior Member. Dr. Cheu has been teaching CE4340 Transportation Engineering, an introductory 3-semester-credit-hour course in the ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering program at UTEP since 2006. This book is a compilation of his teaching materials which have been revised/updated numerous times over the past years.