About the Book
Join this metaphysical biographical novel by Natasa Pantovic set in Findhorn, the UK, as a Journey into the Field of Dreams. This true adoption story ventures into Serbia, Africa, Ethiopia, Kenia, Malta. "If we discover a complete theory, in time it should be understood by everyone, physicians, laymen, biologists, psychologists, passers by. Knowing the mind of God! If we find the answer to that, it would enlighten our living. A layman theosophist or a spare-time archeologist, still researching original artifacts, reading ancient manuscripts, listening to the sounds repeating mantras or Orthodox Christina Prayers, closely examining symbols of Ancient China, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece. Simply put, a theosophist, derived from the Greek theos "god" and sophia "wisdom", is understood to mean the one who studies the "divine wisdom." Ancient wisdom held in antiquity by the Persians, Ancient Chinese, Egyptians, Maltese, Cyprians and in the Middle Ages by the Bogomils in Balkan countries, or Alchemists in the West. It is the portal to "divine knowledge", the true nature of consciousness. Listening to the sacred code of languages development, researching only original scripts as though we were not warned by what Hesse wrote in his masterpiece The Glass Bead Game: "There is truth, my boy. But the doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist. Nor should you long for a perfect doctrine, my friend. Rather, you should long for the perfection of yourself." Through an exploration of various philosophers, we can discover more about the nature of music, or the number one, the number three or "S" "Đ" "S" brain patterns. Thus, there is logical and rational evidence, something each scientists seeks, that helps us become a cross and resonate as a cross with all the age groups, all nationalities, all sex and races." Natasa Pantovic in an Interview. All rights reserved. In the pages to come, I want to take you on an adoption journey, both literal and mythological - into the depths of the mind, to explore the most important questions about life and how conscious living or conscious parenting may help answer them: 1. Is there a God? Number one, omnipotent, omnipresent 2. Is there a Soul? Number two, reflected down as consciousness, as below so above. 3. Are we a trinity of forces and how helping the other, animals, Gaia, our South, manifest in goodness. Ascending the spiral, through charity, through love, through the appreciation of Beauty. 4. Do we have free will. Number four manifested as 4 elements in our lives. Can we gain freedom from our thoughts, and how? 5. What's the meaning of life, expressed through the star of David, ? How does the Crucifixion happen in the modern history? 6. Two triangles merged together, as the number SiX. Since Yin forces exist so prevalently in the world, are Yang Consciousness Manifestations winning any games? 7. Is there life after death? Perhaps, Bardo states of consciousness of Heaven or Hell mentioned by each religion? Do we re-manifest through our kids repeating our behavior patters? These are questions that have long challenged me to search for answers. Certainly, many wise scientists and researchers will disagree with my conclusions, they'll argue, that life comes down to biological switches, that the experiences of the right and left brain, the tangible senses and the supersensory experiences are no other but a soul's meditations, an illusion, created by a simulation of Love on our brains, a Maya of Hindus. "The random occurrence of positive and negative charge is seemingly manifesting within our lives within this huge chain effect. In my life, after a Management Consulting project in Barclays Bank in Nairobi Kenya, and after helping Father George build a school in Africa, I have adopted 2 kids from Ethiopia." In an Interview with Natasa.