About the Book
NOTE: The Books a la Carte Edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
Streamlined, shorter Vorschau sections orient students more quickly to each chapter theme. Many
Vorschau sections are based on texts from daily life (e.g., tweets, a recipe for a favorite Swiss breakfast, a menu from a popular student restaurant).
Two (rather than one) Kultur sections per chapter intensify
Treffpunkt's integration of culture. Now, both full length sections have activities that encourage greater reflection on cultural products, practices, and perspectives of the German-speaking world. Topics include: -studying in Germany (e.g., the affordability of university study, the new Bachelor curriculum) -the use of social media and other technologies among students -affordable travel and accommodations, especially for students -recent migration to Germany, featuring an oral history of a new citizen with a migration background -unique festivals that span the German-speaking countries -green living, leading a sustainable lifestyle -service-learning opportunities for young people in Germany and Europe -simple résumé writing for students ready to take the next step of studying or working abroad The pronunciation section
Zur Aussprache now appears early in each chapter, as suggested by our readers.
Wortschatz sections contain
Treffpunkt's popular practice of new vocabulary.
New picture-based activities in Wörter im Kontext entice students to explore the meaning of new vocabulary and phrases via realia.
About the Author: About our authors
Margaret Gonglewski is Associate Professor of German and International Affairs at the George Washington University in Washington, DC, where she directs the German language program. She earned her PhD from Georgetown University. She has published articles on topics such as effective uses of technology in language teaching and learning, business language teaching methodology and critical issues in materials selection and creation. From 2004 to 2008, she served as the first Director of the George Washington University Language Center, initiating innovative programming as well as support and recognition for language faculty. She has been awarded numerous grants for developing materials to assist faculty in teaching business language and culture and she is currently Business Language Program Coordinator for the university's Center for International Business Education and Research, funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. She has received university awards for innovation in teaching and for excellence in undergraduate advising.
Beverly Moser is Professor of German at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. She received her PhD from Georgetown University, where her dissertation received the Emma Marie Birkmaier award from ACTFL and the Modern Language Journal for its contribution to foreign language education. A specialist in reading and writing pedagogy for German as a foreign language, she publishes teaching materials that develop students' literacy skills. Her most recent work adapts authentic youth literature for the college classroom. Dr. Moser served as Principal and Co-Principal Investigator on 3 grants funded by the U.S. Department of Education for projects directed at improving the quality and scope of foreign language teaching in the K to 12 or college setting, on strengthening interdisciplinary connections for all foreign languages and on teacher development. She has served as the Director of a large-scale German program, helping graduate students through their first few semesters teaching college-level German and she regularly conducts methodology workshops for pre-collegiate and postsecondary instructors of German, French, Spanish and English as a Second Language.
Cornelius Partsch is a native of Landstuhl and grew up in the nearby Saarland in southwestern Germany. He is Professor of German at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. In 2013, the German Section at Western Washington was recognized as a National Center of Excellence by the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG). He received his PhD from Brown University. He previously taught German at Hamilton College, Colby College, Smith College and Mount Holyoke College, as well as at the German summer schools at the University of Rhode Island, Middlebury College and Portland State University. Dr. Partsch is the author of Schräge Töne. Jazz und Unterhaltungsmusik in der Kultur der Weimarer Republik (Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler) and has published articles on various aspects of 20th- and 21st-century German popular culture. His interest in language pedagogy lies in curriculum design, assessment and the teaching of culture using film, music and fiction. He served as a teacher/trainer in the Goethe Institute's trainer network for the western United States from 2007 to 2011 and is currently Ortslektor for the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).