1. Tribocorrosion: definitions and relevance
2. Corrosion basis
2.1. Electrochemical reactions in a corrosion system
2.2 Corrosion rate and Faraday's law
2.3 Electrode potential
2.4 Evans diagrams: corrosion rate versus electrode potential
2.5 Corrosion types
3. Tribology basis
3.1 Surfaces and contact mechanics
3.1.1 Elastic contact
3.1.2 Plastic contact
3.2 Friction
3.3 Wear
3.4 Lubrication
4. Tribocorrosion phenomena and concepts
4.1 Effect of corrosion on wear
4.2 Effect of wear on corrosion
4.3 Third bodies and transfer films
4.4 Models
5. How to approach a tribocorrosion system
5.1 Phase I: Identification of the problem
5.2 Phase II: Description of the system
5.2.1 Environment
5.2.2 Material
5.2.3 Mechanics
5.3 Phase III: Choice of experimental set-up
5.4 Phase IV: Experiment configuration
5.5 Phase V: Interpretation and outcomes
6. Experimental techniques for tribocorrosion
6.1 Sliding tribocorrosion
6.2 Fretting corrosion
6.3 Micro-abrasion corrosion
6.4 Erosion corrosion
7. Characterisation of worn surfaces
8. Case studies
8.1 Tribocorrosion in pressurized water reactors (PWR)
8.2 Tribocorrosion and Chemo-Mechanical Polishing of Tungsten
8.3 Tribocorrosion in oil/water lubricant emulsions
8.4 Hip joint simulator electrochemically instrumented
8.5 Surface treatments against tribocorrosion in biomedical implants
8.6 Tribocorrosion of hydraulic cylinders in offshore applications
9 References
10 Annex
I Corrosion rate
II Synopsis of electrode potential
III Reference electrodes
IV Surface topography
About the Author: Anna Igual Munoz is Professor at the Technical University of Valencia (UPV, Spain) in the Chemical and Nuclear engineering department and at present in a sabbatical period at EPFL. She has a master degree in Industrial engineering (specialised in chemical engineering) and a PhD in Electrochemical corrosion (2001) from UPV. She did a Postdoctoral research at the University of Virginia (USA) in 2002 in the field of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and local electrochemical techniques. She created and leads the Tribocorrosion research Group at UPV. Her scientific interests are mainly focused in the understanding the interactions (chemical, mechanical and biological) between materials and surfaces (mainly metals and oxides) with the environment. Mainly in the fields of corrosion, tribology and new functional coatings.
Nuria Espallargas is a Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Norway). She has a MSc in Chemistry from University of Barcelona (Spain) and a PhD in surface engineering and tribology from the same university. She did a Postdoctoral stay at the Department of Engineering Design and Materials (NTNU, Norway) in the period 2007-2009 where she was actively involved in building up the current tribology activities in Norway. In 2008, the Gemini Centre "Tribology" was established in a formal collaboration between NTNU and SINTEF (independent research center in Norway), and since 2011 she is the NTNU leader of the Centre. In the period 2008-2011 she performed several research stays at EPFL with Dr. Mischler working on tribocorrosion of passive metals and nitrided passive metals. In the period 2015-2016 she performed one year sabbatical stay at ETH Zurich at the Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology with Prof. Nicholas Spencer working on nano-tribology. Her scientific and research interests are within surface chemistry and engineering, lubricants, tribology, tribocorrosion and nano-tribology.