What is truth? Is there meaning in existence? What are life and death? These and similar questions are explored in Truth: A Path for the Skeptic. This work considers the origins and limits of human knowledge, drawing on techniques and examples from science and mathematics in a search for insights from ancient and modern sources. It investigates implications of these insights for our lives and for society. It is written especially for the skeptical scientist, the agnostic, and the atheist. It is informal but rigorous, and invites careful reflection.
It is written in the style of a mathematical or scientific book, using precise definitions and consistent terminology. It supposes a general level of comfort with mathematics and science.
It comprises three major sections: Questions, Answers, and Actions.
"Questions" examines the nature of language, knowledge, truth, and proof. It investigates how our finiteness limits our understanding of truth and how language limits our ability to communicate that understanding. Based on these limitations, using examples from mathematics and science, it explores the relative nature of knowable truth. It then considers causality and its implications. It looks at aspects of personal and social reality. Throughout, it builds up a set of questions to which mathematics and science do not provide adequate answers.
"Answers" uncovers sources that respond to these questions. Further questions are raised and answered.
"Actions" explores implications of these answers for our lives. It suggests how these approaches might improve our individual lives and the health of society, from neighborhood interactions to international relations.
A final section, "Notes and References," includes definitions, sources, and endnotes.
This work is valuable reading for anyone who is seeking answers to life's difficult questions.