From science fiction to science laboratories
Discover the State of the Art in Photonic Metamaterials
Metamaterials--composite media with unusual optical properties--have revolutionized the landscape of optical science and engineering over the past decades. Metamaterials have transformed science-fiction-like concepts of superresolution imaging and optical cloaking to the realm of science laboratories, and further promise to transform these into the realm of our everyday life. This new era of optical metamaterials calls for the development of experimental and theoretical methods capable of analyzing optical behavior on the multitude of scales--from the nanometer scale of individual inhomogeneity, to the micrometer level and the larger scale of metamaterials-based devices.
Tutorials in Metamaterials offers a collection of chapters that were designed as self-contained tutorials describing photonic metamaterials and the state of the art in metamaterials research.
Chapters cover:
- Linear and nonlinear properties of photonic metamaterials and their potential applications
- Fabrication techniques for optical metamaterials, ranging from electron-beam lithography, focused ion beam milling, and nanoimprint lithography to direct laser writing
- Recent achievements in metatamerial research at visible, IR, and microwave frequencies
- Novel applications of metamaterials for light guiding, steering, and refraction
- Efforts to compensate and eliminate optical loss by introducing optical gain into the metamaterial matrix
A comprehensive overview of metamaterial photonics, this reference is suitable for graduate students as well as physicists and engineers interested in entering this dynamic new field.
About the Author: Professor Mikhail A. Noginov is a professor at the Department of Physics and the Center for Materials Research, Norfolk State University (NSU), Virginia. He graduated from Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology with a Master of Science degree in Electronics and Automatics in 1985. In 1990 he received a PhD degree in Physical-Mathematical Sciences from the General Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow. In 2010, Dr. Noginov was named NSU Eminent Scholar 2010-2011. Dr. Noginov has published two books, five book chapters, over 100 papers in peer reviewed journals, and over 100 publications in proceedings of professional societies and conference technical digests. His research interests include metamaterials, nanoplasmonics, random lasers, solid-state laser materials, and nonlinear optics.
Proffessor Viktor Podolskiy is an associate professor in the Department of Physics and Applied Physics, and a member of Photonics Center at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell. He earned his BS degree in applied mathematics and physics from the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology in 1998, followed by an MS in computer science and a PhD in physics from New Mexico State University in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Dr. Podolskiy's research is focused on theory and modeling of optical properties of nano- and micro-structured composites, metamaterials, and plasmonic systems. He has presented over 25 invited talks; coauthored over 50 peer-reviewed publications and over 60 conference proceedings; and holds three U.S. patents.