"From American history books to Pirates of the Caribbean, the work of Howard Pyle continues to captivate us..."-Big Think
"His totally American sense of past and present changed the world of children's literature; created a uniquely American philosophy of juvenile literature,"-Jill P. May
Twilight Land (1894), Howard Pyle's magical collection of original fairy tales is an utterly unique treasury of myths that offer timeless perspectives of loyalty, good-will, and wisdom. The reader will find themselves in the dreamlike world of Twilight Land, where they will meet sixteen of the world's best known raconteurs as they spin the magic of their stories.
Entering The Inn of the Sign of Mother Goose, in the path through Twilight Land, it is Mother Goose herself who opens the door to an extraordinary group of storytellers; The company includes Ali Baba, Cinderella, St. George, Aladdin, Doctor Faustus, Sindbad the Sailor, among other colorful characters. The sixteen dazzling stories that they tell are collected from around the globe and include tales of nefarious kings, magical curses, the story of St. Nicolas and Ill-Luck, dazzling palaces made of jewels, terrifying demons, beautiful sorceresses, the fool of all fools, and young kings and ancient castles. The stories include "The Talisman of Solomon", "Ill-Luck and the Fiddler", "Empty Bottles", "Good Gifts and a Fool's Folly", "The Good of a Few Words", "Woman's Wit", "A Piece of Good Luck", "The Fruit of Happiness", "Not a Pin to Choose", "Much Shall Have More and Little Shall Have Less", "Wisdom's Wages and Folly's Pay", "The Enchanted Island", "All Things are as Fate Wills", "Where to Lay the Blame", and "The Salt of Life".
With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Otto of the Silver Handis both modern and readable.