After the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov "for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene," even more research and development efforts have been focused on two-dimensional nanostructures. Illustrating the importance of this area in future applications, Two-Dimensional Nanostructures covers the fabrication methods and properties of these materials.
The authors begin with discussions on the properties, size effect, applications, classification groups, and growth of nanostructures. They then describe various characterization and fabrication methods, such as spectrometry, low-energy electron diffraction, physical and chemical vapor deposition, and molecular beam epitaxy. The remainder of the text focuses on mechanical, chemical, and physical properties and fabrication methods, including a new mechanical method for fabricating graphene layers and a model for relating the features and structures of nanostructured thin films.
With companies already demonstrating the capabilities of graphene in a flexible touch-screen and a 150 GHz transistor, nanostructures are on their way to replacing silicon as the materials of choice in electronics and other areas. This book aids you in understanding the current chemical, mechanical, and physical processes for producing these "miracle materials."
About the Author: Mahmood Aliofkhazraei is a researcher in the corrosion and surface engineering group at the Tarbiat Modares University. Dr. Aliofkhazraei has received several honors, including the Khwarizmi award and the best young nanotechnologist award of Iran. He is a member of the National Association of Surface Sciences, Iranian Corrosion Association, and National Elite Foundation of Iran. His research focuses on nanotechnology and its use in surface and corrosion science.
Nasar Ali is the chairman of NANOSMAT and a director of CNC Coatings. Dr. Ali's research interests include chemical vapor deposition processes, polymer-based nanocomposites, nanotechnology, and vacuum coating.