About the Book
Urban Water Infrastructure Planning, Management, and Operations Neil S. Grigg ". discusses the factors that lead to effective management of water systems in urban areas." --Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation Unique in its orientation for managers, Urban Water Infrastructure focuses on the productive management of urban water systems by laying out its discussion in terms of the system as a whole, how a system's component elements work together, how much they cost to build and operate, and the sociopolitical forces that guide the productive operation. This easily accessible reference is aimed at engineers, planners, and managers, teaching both the theoretical and practical aspects of urban water management. 1986 (0 471-82914-5) 328 pp. A Guide to Site and Environmental Planning Third Edition Harvey M. Rubenstein "Perhaps the strongest feature of the book is the inclusive, comprehensive, and logical analysis within each of the chapters . All in all, I can highly recommend this book to anyone engaged in site planning, or interested in site plans developed by others." --Landscape Planning This Third Edition incorporates pertinent research of the past decade and presents an approach to design based on factual information that enables creative talent to be used to its utmost advantage. Chapters follow phases used in the development of a site plan and include extensive information on: site selection, resource analysis, land use, storm drainage, alignment of horizontal and vertical curves, specifications, sports facilities and play-grounds, rooftop gardens, residential development concepts, and much more. 1987 (0 471-85033-0) 410 pp. Infrastructure Engineering and Management Neil Grigg Here is the first technical and management book to focus on solutions to complex, large-scale problems involving major infrastructure projects. The wide-ranging text covers such systems as roads and streets, water and wastewater, waste management, buildings and structures, and energy facilities. Infrastructure Engineering and Management gives an in-depth knowledge of several key subjects relating technology to management: planning, programming, and budgeting; finance, organization, and private sector involvement; operations and maintenance; project management; and research needs. 1988 (0 471-84974-X) 380 pp.
About the Author: About the author George Rainer, PE, AICP, a principal in the firmof Flack+Kurtz, consulting engineers, has been involved in theinfrastructure design of Roosevelt Island and Battery Park City, New York, including utilities supply, solid waste management, watersupply and sewer systems. He also prepared energy master plans forthe Grand Valley Urbanization Project, Colorado, and for collegecampuses in Tennessee, Massachusetts and New York. He has lecturedat several colleges and developed the course on infrastructure atPratt Institute. About the contributors Samuel I. Schwartz, PE, isChief Engineer and First Deputy Commissioner of the New York CityDepartment of Transportation. He has been overseeing theDepartment's $5 billion, 10-year program to reconstruct New YorkCity's streets and bridges. Nicholas Bellizzi, PE, a trafficengineer and transportation planner, is a principal in The HudsonPartnership. His assignments have included a comprehensivetraffic/transportation study of the George Washington Bridge andits approach areas. Sarelle Weisberg, AIA, is Program Manager forPublic Works in the Department of General Services, New York CityBureau of Building Design and Construction. Anthony Nuciforo is aconsultant in communications technology. He specializes in thedesign and implementation of large-scale telecommunications cablingsystems. Ekkehart Schwarz, AIA, AICP, is President of Schwarz &Zambanini, architects, engineers, and urban designers. He has over15 years' experience in the planning, design and redesign ofstreets infrastructure systems. Adrienne Bresnan, AIA, has servedfor 18 years in the capital projects division of the New York CityDepartment of Parks and Recreation. Since 1988, she has beenprogram manager for landmarks in New York's Department of GeneralServices. Joseph Bresnan, AIA, served for 20 years in New York'sDepartment of Parks and Recreation, where he created thepreservation plans for Central Park and Prospect Park, Brooklyn.Ray Gordon, AIA, is a principal of the firm of Mark A. KatesArchitects. Before that he was project manager of an environmentalsciences firm where he specialized in large-scale waterfrontdevelopment projects. Joseph DePlasco is a writer and historianworking in the Chief Engineer's office, New York City Department ofTransportation.