Preface I: Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.- Preface II: And not OR: Al Luloff, Jeffery Bridger, Penn State University; Gene Theodori, Sam Houston State.- Introduction: Michael J. Manfredo, Jerry J. Vaske, Colorado State University; Andreas Rechkemmer, University of Denver; Esther A. Duke, Colorado State University.- Part I: The Status of Integration: Chapter 1: A Vision of the Future of Science: Reintegrating of the Study of Humans and the Rest of Nature: Robert Costanza, Australian National University.- Chapter 2: Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere (MAHB): Integrating Social Science and the Humanities into Solving Sustainability Challenges: Ilan Kelman, University College London; Eugene Rosa, Washington State University; Tom R. Burns, University of Uppsala; Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University; Joan Diamond, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability; Nora Machado, Lisbon University Institute; Donald Kennedy, Stanford University; Lennart Olsson, Lund University.- Part 2: Topics in Integration: Chapter 3: Science During Crisis: The application of interdisciplinary and strategic science during major environmental crises: Gary Machlis, University of Idaho, National Park Service; Kris Ludwig, US Geological Survey.- Chapter 4: Who's afraid of Thomas Malthus?: Jörg Friedrichs, Oxford University .- Chapter 5: A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Social-Ecological Models of Emerging Infectious Diseases: Melissa L. Finucane, Jefferson Fox, Sumeet Saksena, East-West Center-Hawaii; Jim Spencer, University of Hawaii.- Chapter 6: Studying Power With The Social-Ecological System Framework: Graham Epstein, Indiana University; Abigail Bennett, Duke University; Leslie Acton, Duke University; Rebecca Gruby, Colorado State University; Mateja Nenadovic, Duke University.- Chapter 7: Considerations in Representing Human Individuals in Social-Ecological Models: Michael J. Manfredo, Tara Teel, Michael C. Gavin, Colorado State University; David Fulton, University of Minnesota and U.S. Geological Survey.- Part 3: Methodological Advances for Facilitating Social Science Integration: Chapter 8: The Representation of Human-Environment Interactions in Land Change Research and Modelling: Peter Verburg, University of Amsterdam.- Chapter 9: Simulation as an Approach to Social-Ecological Integration, with an Emphasis on Agent-based Modelling: Randall Boone, Kathleen Galvin, Colorado State University.- Chapter 10: Inter-disciplinary analysis of climate change and society: a network approach: Jeff Broadbent, University of Minnesota; Philip Vaughter, University of Saskatchewan.- Chapter 11: Designing Social Learning Systems for Integrating Social Sciences into Policy Processes: Some experiences of Water Managing: Kevin Collins, The Open University, UK.