In the twentieth century, the urban settings of the wealthy nations were largely associated with opportunity, accumulation of wealth, and better health than their rural counterparts. In the twenty-first century, demographic changes, globalization, and climate change are having important health consequences on wealthy nations and especially on low- and middle-income countries. The increasing concentration of poverty and significant inequalities between urban neighborhoods and the physical and social environments in cities are important determinants of population health. In this important new book, experts identify the priority problems and outline solutions that can generate and sustain healthy urban environments. Foreword by Michael H. Bloomberg
Contributors include:
Sue Atkinson, John G. Bartlett, Angela Beaton, Karl Brown, Pamela Ligouri Bunker, Robert J. Bunker, Scott Burris, Waleska Teixeira Caiffa, Roel A. Coutinho, Manuel Carballo, Ruth Colagiuri, Beatriz de Faria Leao, Amélia Augusta de Lima Friche, Alex Ezeh, Geoff Green, Claudio Giulliano da Costa Octavio Gómez-Dantés, Ruth Finkelstein, Julio Frenk, Nicholas Freudenberg, Fu Hua, Sandro Galea, Ticia Gerber, Carola Hein, Catherine Hull, Tord Kjellstrom, Jacob Kumaresan, Catherine Ronald Labonté, Stephen Leeder, Godfrey Mbarauku, Gordon McGranahan, Patricia Monge, Mark R. Montgomery, Martin Mulenga, Ana Luiza Nabuco, Julie Netherland, Ndioro Ndiaye, Rougui Ndiaye-Coïc, Kalala Ngalamulume, Danielle Ompad, Stipe Oreskovic, Ariel Pablos-Méndez, Jonathan Parkinson, Fernando Augusto Proietti, Thomas C. Quinn, Carlos E. Restrepo, Kevin J. Robinson, Jonathan M. Samet, David Satterthwaite, Richard H. Schneider, Ted Schrecker, Elliott Sclar, Maria Steenland, Agis Tsouros, Arnoud P. Verhoeff, Nicole Volavka-Close, Michael Ward, Vanessa Watson, Rae Zimmerman.
About the Author: David Vlahov, Ph.D., R.N., is senior vice president for research and director of the Center for Urban Epidemiologic Studies at the New York Academy of Medicine and professor of Clinical Epidemiology at Columbia University. Jo Ivey Boufford, M.D., is president of The New York Academy of Medicine; professor of public service, health policy, and management at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service; and clinical professor of pediatrics at New York University School of Medicine.
Clarence Pearson, M.P.H., is a former senior advisor to the World Health Organization at the United Nations. He conceived the series of global health books for Jossey-Bass and serves as the series' executive editor.
Laurie Norris, M.A., is an intercultural communications consultant. She serves as managing editor for the global health series published by Jossey-Bass.