1. Introduction
Presentation and contextualization of the book
Jonatas Macedo - MSc Civil Engineering
2. Cassava wastewater - Characterization and Potential
Presentation of and properties of cassava wastewater Jonatas Macedo - MSc Civil Engineering
3. Soil-Cement brick with cassava wastewater
Formulations, mixing and homogenization, characterization of bricks
Jonatas Macedo - MSc Civil Engineering and Dra. Luciana de Figueiredo Lopes Lucena
4. Soil-cement brick with scheelite and cassava water reject
Formulations, mixing, homogenization and characterization of bricks with both rejects
Ricardo Eugenio B. Ramos Filho - MSc Mechanical Engineering
5. Use of Cassava Wastewater in Mortar Formulations
Formulations, mixing, homogenization and characterization of mortars
Rayanderson Saraiva de Souza - MSc Civil Engineering
6. Earth block with cassava wastewater
Formulations, mixing, homogenization and characterization of earth blocks Ana Ligia Pessoa Sampaio - Architet
About the Author: Wilson Acchar has a Doctor-Ingenieur title from the Technische Universität Hamburg, Harburg (1993). He is a Full Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN in Brazil. He has experience in ceramic materials, acting on the following subjects: nanostructured materials, clay-based materials, materials characterization, and recycling of materials.
Vamberto Monteiro da Silva has a Doctor in Materials Science and Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN (2013) in Brazil. He is a Full Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Paraíba, IFPB in Brazil. He has experience in the areas of mortars, concretes, soils, and ceramic materials, acting on the following subjects: clay-based materials, study and characterization of waste, and recycling and reuse of waste to produce new materials.