Why is it that some improvement efforts succeed while others fail despite robust change management programs and the often do-or-die pressure to improve? Quite simply, there are three elements that separate those that succeed from those that fail. They are the 3Ms-Measure, Manage to Measure, and Make-it-Easy.
Complete with forms, templates, and case studies from the aviation and manufacturing industries, Utilizing the 3Ms of Process Improvement supplies step-by-step guidance on how to use the 3Ms to achieve performance excellence that lasts. Suitable for a wide audience-including suppliers, manufacturers, and those who work in service organizations, schools, healthcare, and government-it is as much about the science of process improvement as it is about how to lead process improvement utilizing the 3Ms.
Illustrating applications of the 3Ms across a range of industries, the book weaves stories throughout about role models who have succeeded, as well as those who have failed. It identifies the specific elements that were missing or defective in the failed attempts to provide a clear understanding of how the three elements work together. Arming you with a culture change method based on changing behaviors, it provides a leadership and management guide to achieving your objectives.
The 3Ms have worked for Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and the author's teams across the globe. Now, with this book, you can put the power of the 3Ms to work for you in your quest towards improving processes and reducing costs.
The author encourages reader interaction and feedback on his website: www.rpmexec.com. He also provides you with access to the forms and templates described in the book.
About the Author: Rick Morrow is a consultant with more than 25 years of senior leadership experience in healthcare, aviation, construction, automotive and high tech. Morrow leads Healthcare Performance Partners' Quality, Safety, and High Reliability unit, a MedAssets company. He has authored Lean Six Sigma performance excellence courses and taught and deployed programs internationally for Eaton Corporation, SKF, Motorola, United Airlines, The Joint Commission, and Healthcare Performance Partners.
Morrow is the author and leader of HPP's Six Sigma consulting and wrote and leads the Belmont University Lean Healthcare Certification Program for Supply Chain Professionals, which is a blend of The Toyota Production System, Six Sigma, and Change Leadership. Morrow also wrote and taught The University of Penn's Penn Medicine Leadership and Performance Improvement courses. He authored the Lean Six Sigma Program at The Joint Commission and led its Center for Transforming Healthcare, where he and his team led collaborations improving patient care and safety with major academic medical centers including Cedars-Sinai, Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Intermountain Healthcare, North Shore Long Island Jewish, and Stanford University.
Morrow earned his MBA from the University of Illinois' Executive Program and has a B.S. in Business from Illinois State University. Certifications include Motorola Master Black Belt and Lean Enterprise from the University of Tennessee. He is an international speaker on Lean Six Sigma, Quality, and Safety at conferences including NPSF, ASC and ASQ.
Morrow is also the author of the companion book, Utilizing the 3Ms in Process Improvement in Healthcare, and is a contributing editor on performance improvement, quality and safety publications. He is as proud in his work coaching his son and daughter in baseball and soccer and leading as President of Holy Family Commission of Education.