Dried biomass of microbes, better known as SCP can be served as alternative
protein to human beings and can also be supplied to animals. In addition to
approximately 60- 82% protein content, SCP biomass also comprise of vitamins, fats,
minerals and carbohydrate. Most microbes and algae have about 1/3 of their biomass as
protein. These microbes can be easily cultivated on a large scale to harvest protein.
Single-cell proteins can be simply defined as proteins found in microbes that are used for
protein supplementation. Multicellular molds and algae are also used to harvest protein. The
most popular use of SCP yeast was during World War II, when food shortages plagued
Germany. The emphasis on the Post World War on the continuation of SCP production has been
encouraged to combat the problems of hunger and malnutrition .
Microbes have since been widely used to supplement food.
The benefits of single cell protein include less water, less land use, less
biological threats and more environment friendly. One maJor benefit with this biomass is
that amino acids particularly lysine and methionine are in abundance. Additionally,
economical wastes can be utilized as substrate by microorganisms to produce protein and amino acid
rich biomass. Besides fruit, vegetable and molasses wastes, petroleum by- product, ethanol,
methanol, natural gas and lignocelluloses have been used as common substrates .
Significant advances in SCP methods worldwide had a profound effect on the development of
modern biotechnology. With the help of various fields including microbiology, biochemistry,
genetics, chemical and process engineering, food technology, ecology, agriculture,
medicine, animal nutrition, toxicology, veterinary technology and economics there have been
huge benefits in research and SCP production process. For treatment of wastewater, alcohol
manufacture, food science and enzyme technology SCP can act as innovative solution.