You Are About To Discover How Your Body Is So Connected That A Single Nerve Could Be Holding The Key To Your Health, Including Reducing Inflammation, Improving Memory, Neutralizing Stress, Anxiety And Depression, Dealing With Heart Problems, Digestive Problems And Much More!
The Vagus Nerve, also known as X cranial nerve, is the longest and most complex of the cranial nerves. This nerve serves as the body's superhighway from the brain through the face and thorax all the way to your abdomen, carrying information back and forth through the organs and organ systems within its network.
So if the superhighway is damaged, blocked or just not working as it should, you can expect the flow of the relevant information to be affected negatively as well, which would translate to the affected organs or organ systems missing out on important supplies (of information).
This interruption results to such problems like heart problems, digestive problems, problems with the spleen, mental health problems, arthritis, hearing problems, speech problems and many others.
This means if you've been struggling with these conditions and have never considered that your problem could have a different root cause, now is time to change tact.
So how do you connect your health problem to the vagus nerve?
What problems are associated with the vagus nerve?
What does the vagus nerve do that makes it such a critical nerve in the body?
What is the science behind the connection between the vagus nerve and illnesses?
How can you improve the functioning of your vagus nerve; what techniques can you use?
If you have these and other related questions, this book is for you so keep reading, as it covers the ins and outs of optimizing the functioning of the vagus nerve for optimal health.
More precisely, the book covers:
- The basics of the vagus nerve, including its anatomy
- The ins and outs of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
- How the vagus nerve is connected to different organs and organ systems like the heart, digestive system, spleen etc.
- How the vagus nerve helps to modulate your intestinal immune homeostasis
- The potential effects of Vagus Nerve dysfunction
- The functions of the Vagus Nerve and how over-stimulation can cause fainting
- Everything you need to know about Vagus Nerve Stimulation and how it is done
- How to stimulate your vagus nerve to deal with heart, digestive and mental problems along with other physical and mental health problems
- How to stimulate your Vagus at the comfort of your home and the benefits you stand to gain
- Yoga and breathing exercises to help stimulate your Vagus Nerve and effects on your physical and mental health
- Role of Vagal and spinal sensory pathways on ECC's activity
- How the Vagus Nerve is a modulator of brain-gut axis
- The anatomy of the Vagus Nerve and how it is used to treat epilepsy, depression and PSD
- Right foods for your Vagus nerve and gut health
- The symptoms to look out for to know if your Vagus Nerve is damaged
- How to treat Vagus Nerve problems
- How to use Vagus Nerve in trauma recovery
- And much more!
This detailed yet simple book will help you restore your body to its normal and healthy state. It takes a beginner friendly approach that you can follow to make that happen, even if you've never stepped in a medical class!
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