Part I: Pathophysiology, Natural History, Stages, and Diagnosis
1: Pathophysiology of Portal Hypertension
Yasuko Iwakiri and Roberto J. Groszmann
2: Natural History and Stages of Cirrhosis
Gennaro D'Amico
3: Diagnosis of Esophageal Varices
Massimo Primignani
Part II: Preventing the First Variceal Hemorrhage
4: Assessing the Risk of Bleeding
Roberto de Franchis
5: Prevention of the Formation and Growth of Esophageal Varices
Carlo Merkel and Sara Montagnese
6: Beta-Blockers for All...or Not
Laure Elkrief and Didier Lebrec
7: Pre-Primary and Primary Prophylaxis of Variceal Hemorrhage
Tilman Sauerbruch and Jonel Trebicka
8: HVPG-Guided Prophylaxis
Alessandra Dell'Era and Francesca Iannuzzi
Part III: Treatment of Acute Variceal Hemorrhage
9: Transfusion Policy
Càndid Villanueva, Oana Pavel, and Alba Ardèvol Ribalta
10: Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Acute Variceal Hemorrhage
Javier Fernández
11: Use of Vasoactive Drugs for Acute Variceal Bleeding
Stefania Casu, Annalisa Berzigotti, and Jaime Bosch
12: Endoscopic Treatment of Acute Variceal Bleeding
Christos Triantos, Maria Kalafateli, and Andrew Kenneth Burroughs
13: TIPS: Primary Therapy or Rescue in Treatment of Acute Variceal Hemorrhage
Virginia Hernández-Gea, Fanny Turon, and Juan Carlos García-Pagán
14: How to Manage Gastric and Ectopic Varices
Ashok Chaudhary and Shiv Kumar Sarin
15: Should We Be Concerned About Coagulation in the Treatment of Acute Variceal Hemorrhage?
Armando Tripodi
Part IV: Prevention of Rebleeding
16: Variceal Rebleeding: Drugs, Endoscopy, or Both
Flemming Bendtsen, Søren Møller, and Aleksander Krag
17: Role of TIPS and Surgery in Prevention of Rebleeding
Christophe Bureau and Jean-Pierre Vinel
Part V: Special Situations
18: Variceal Bleeding in Patients with Vascular Liver Disease
Dominique-Charles Valla
About the Author: Roberto de Franchis, MD, AGAF
University of Milan, Luigi Sacco University Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit, Milan, Italy.
Alessandra Dell'Era, MD
University of Milan, Luigi Sacco University Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit, Milan, Italy.