Chapter 1: Introduction to a Variety of Qualitative Research Methods.- Chapter 2: Action Research .- Chapter 3: Actor-network Theory.- Chapter 4: Affinity Research Approach.-Chapter 5: Appreciative Inquiry.- Chapter 6: Archival Research.- Chapter 7: Arts‐based Inquiry.- Chapter 9: Autoethnography.- Chapter 10: Biographic Narrative Interpretive Method.- Chapter 11: Case Study.- Chapter 12: Coding Qualitative Data.- Chapter 13: Comparative Analysis.- Chapter 14: Content Analysis.- Chapter 15: Critical Ethnography.- Chapter 16: Critical Race Theory.- Chapter 17: Critical Theory.-Chapter 18: Cultural Domain Analysis.- Chapter 19: Decolonizing Methodologies: A Pacific Island Lens.- Chapter 20: Decolonizing Autoethnography.- Chapter 21: Deliberative Public Engagement.- Chapter 22: Discursive Positioning.- Chapter 23: Document Analysis.- Chapter 24: Duo-ethnographic Methodology.- Chapter 25: Electronic Delphi Method.- Chapter 26: Embodied Research Methodologies.- Chapter 27: Ethnomethodology.- Chapter 28: Fa'afaletui Framework.- Chapter 29: Facet Theory Research Approach.- Chapter 30: Feminist Autoethnography.- Chapter 31: Focus Groups.- Chapter 32: Force-field Analysis.- Chapter 33: Grounded Theory.- Chapter 34: Harnessing Insights with NVivo.- Chapter 34: Hermeneutics.- Chapter 35: Hermeneutic Phenomenology.- Chapter 36: Indigenous Métissage.- Chapter 37: Indigenous Participatory Action Research (PAR).- Chapter 38: Interpretation and Expert Panels.-Chapter 39: Interpretive Analysis.- Chapter 4: Interpretive Description.- Chapter 41: Institutional Ethnography.- Chapter 42: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.-Chapter 43: Kakala Research Framework.- Chapter 44: Kaupapa Māori.-Chapter 45: Life History Narrative.- Chapter 46: Manual Transcription.- Chapter 47: Melanesian Tok Stori Research.- Chapter 48: Metaphor Analysis.- Chapter 49: Narrative Inquiry.- Chapter 50: Naturalistic Decision-Making Method.- Chapter 51: Nominal Group Research.- Chapter 52: Observational Study.- Chapter 53: Online Focus Groups.-Chapter 54: Participatory Learning and Action.- Chapter 55: Phenomenography.-Chapter 56: Phenomenological Studies.- Chapter 57: Photo Elicitation Interviews.-Chapter 59: Portraiture.- Chapter 60: Qualitative Longitudinal Research.- Chapter 61: Realist Analysis.- Chapter 62: Reception Theory.- Chapter 64: Reflective Journaling.-Chapter 65: Reflexive Bracketing.- Chapter 66: Rhizoanalysis: Brave Enough to Resist Conclusion.- Chapter 67: Situational Analysis/SWOT.- Chapter 68: Social Network Analysis.- Chapter 69: Structural Narrative Analysis.- Chapter 70: Symbolic Interactionism.- Chapter 71: Thematic Analysis.- Chapter 72: Transect Walk Research Method.- Chapter 73: Videovoice.- Chapter 74: World Café.- Chapter 75: Conclusion.
About the Author: Janet Okoko is an Associate Professor in the department of Educational Administration, College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. Her research focuses on school leadership preparation and development. She has used qualitative research approaches such as case studies and phenomenology, with contextualized methods that incorporate interviews, focus group, mind mapping, transect walk, and photo elicitation, to study school leadership problems in various African countries and in Canada. She is currently studying teacher leadership, as well as school and system leaders' preparation for work with culturally and linguistically diverse Newcomer/ Migrants. She has published work on school leadership preparation and development in Kenya, and on the experiences of Canadian school leaders with newcomers. In addition, she has co-authored a cross-cultural analysis of school principals' preparation in Kenya, South Africa, and development for Canada. Her recent publication reports on the framing of school leadership preparation and development for Kenya and the essence of school leaders' work with newcomer families in Saskatchewan, Canada. Scott Tunison
is an Assistant Professor in the department of Educational Administration, College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. His research focuses on evidence-informed leadership practice, strategic planning, and Indigenous education. He uses a broad range of qualitative research methods on their own and as part of mixed-methods investigations. He is currently studying district- and school-wide uptake of citizenship education instructional materials, models of district assessments of the efficacy of their support of Indigenous students and families, and school teams' use of data as evidence of progress. He has published an authored book on processes to enhance K-12 leaders' use of academic research to inform their practice. His other publications focus on reframing research ethics frameworks as guides for education systems' use of data, K-12 leaders' perspectives on honouring the best interests of children, educational administrators' views of the value of academic research to guide their practice, developing community in online learning contexts, and processes for fostering and inspiring change and improvement in educational systems.
Keith Walker is a Professor in the Department of Educational Administration at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, where he has served for about 30 years. His academic interests, expertise, and activity revolve around positive leadership and organizational development, follower and community well-being, research methodologies, governance and decision making together with applied ethics in education, public administration and not-for-profit sectors. He most identifies with his roles as husband, father, grand-father, teacher-scholar, apprentice, colleague, mentor and friend. His formal education has been in several disciplines and fields of study, including physical education, theology, philosophy, education and educational administration. He has supervised over 100 graduate students to completion and has authored and co-authored over 150 chapters, books, and refereed articles