1. The Development of the Vascular System: An Historical Overview
Domenico Ribatti, Beatrice Nico, and Enrico Crivellato
2. The Corneal Pocket Assay
Marina Ziche and Lucia Morbidelli
3. The Mouse Hindbrain: An In Vivo Model to Analyze Developmental Angiogenesis
Alice Plein, Christiana Ruhrberg, and Alessandro Fantin
4. Three Dimensional In Vitro Assay of Endothelial Cell Invasion and Capillary Tube Morphogenesis
Laura di Blasio, Federico Bussolino, and Luca Primo
5. Vascular Casting for the Study of Vascular Morphogenesis
Maximilian Ackermann and Moritz A. Konerding
6. Cell-Based Computational Modeling of Vascular Morphogenesis Using Tissue Simulation Toolkit
Josephine T. Daub and Roeland Merks
7. miRNAs Expression Profile in Zebrafish Developing Vessels
Emma Ristori and Stefania Nicoli
8. Imaging of Cardiovascular Development in Mammalian Embryos Using Optical Coherence Tomography
Monica D. Garcia, Andrew L. Lopez III, Kirill V. Larin, and Irina V. Larina
9. Live Confocal Microscopy of the Developing Mouse Embryonic Yolk Sac Vasculature
Andrew L. Lopez III, Monica D. Garcia, Mary E. Dickinson, and Irina V. Larina
10. Zebrafish Embryo Intersegmental Vessels: A Tool for Investigating Sprouting Angiogenesis
Chiara Tobia, Giuseppina Gariano, Jessica Guerra, and Marco Presta
11. Avian Area Vasculosa and CAM as Rapid In Vivo Pro- and Anti-Angiogenic Models
Andrew N. Makanya, Beata Styp-Rekowska, Ivanka Dimova, and Valentin Djonov
12. Investigating In Vitro Angiogenesis by Computer-Assisted Image Analysis and Computational Simulation
Diego Guidolin, Caterina Fede, Giovanna Albertin, and Raffaele De Caro
13. A Chimeric Embryoid Body Model to Study Vascular Morphogenesis
Yanmei Qi, Siavash Saadat, Jie Liu, Alan M. Graham, and Shaohua Li
14. Avians as a Model System of Vascular Development
Michael Bressan and Takashi Mikawa
15. Microfluidic Model of Angiogenic Sprouting
Jonathan W. Song, Despina Bazou, and Lance L. Munn
16. The Rat Aortic Ring Model of Angiogenesis
Alfred C. Aplin and Roberto F. Nicosia
17. The Co-Culture Organotypic Assay of Angiogenesis
Jennifer L. Allen and Harry Mellor