Vascular Plant Communities of Morocco by Mohammed Sghir Taleb
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Vascular Plant Communities of Morocco

Vascular Plant Communities of Morocco


International Edition

About the Book

INTRODUCTION.- METHODOLOGY.- FORESTS AND PREFORESTS.- 1. QUERCETEA PUBESCENTIS.- 1.1. QUERCO-CEDRETALIA ATLANTICAE.- 1.1.a. Violo munbyanae-Cedrion atlanticae.- 1.1.b. Paeonio maroccanae-Cedrion atlanticae.- 2. QUERCETEA ILICIS.- 2.1. QUERCETALIA ILICIS.- 2.1.a. Oleo sylvestris-Quercion rotundifoliae.- 2.1.b. Balansaeo glaberrimae-Quercion rotundifoliae.- 2.2. PISTACIO LENTISCI-RHAMNETALIA ALATERNI.- 2.2.a. Asparago albidi-Rhamnion oleoidis /Tetraclino-Pistacion atlanticae.- Ericion arboreae.- Juniperion turbinatae.- Junipero oxycedri-Rhamnion atlanticae.- Quercion fruticosae.- ACACIO GUMMIFERAE-ARGANIETALIA SPINOSAE.- Senecio anteuphorbii-Arganion spinosae.- Acacion gummiferae.- EPHEDRO MAJORIS-JUNIPERETALIA.- Ephedro majoris-Juniperion phoeniceae.- Junipero thuriferae-Quercion rotundifoliae.- MATORRALS AND SPINY HIGH-MOUNTAIN XEROPHYTES.- CALLUNO VULGARIS-ULICETEA MINORIS.- ULICETALIA MINORIS.- Ericion umbellatae.- Genistion micrantho-anglicae.- CISTO-LAVANDULETEA STOECHADIS.- HALIMIETALIA RIPHAEO-ATLANTICI.- Erico riphaeae-Cistion varii Halimio-Cistion atlanticae.- LAVANDULETALIA STOECHADIS.- Genisto quadriflorae-Lavandulion atlanticae.- ONONIDO-ROSMARINETEA.- ROSMARINETALIA OFFICINALIS.- Lithodoro maroccanae-Ulicion funkii.- Pseudoscabioso grosii-Origanion grosii.- ANARRHINO FRUTICOSI-ASTRAGALETALIA ARMATI.- Bupleuro aiouensis-Globularion nainii.- Lavandulo mairei-Carthamion fruticosi.- CISTO MAURITANICI-THYMETALIA MUNBYANI.- Ulici africanae-Rosmarinion tournefortii.- Staehelino macrocephalae-Genistion pseudoretamoidis.- ERINACETALIA ANTHYLLIDIS.- Diantho maroccani-Astragalion maroccani.- Genisto pseudopilosae-Thymion comosi.- Ormenion scariosae.- Arenarion pungentis.- Platycapnion saxicolae.- LAWNS, POZZINES AND MEADOWS OF HIGH MOUNTAINS.- POETEA BULBOSAE.- POETALIA BULBOSAE.- Potentillo maurae-Campanulion filicaulis.- NARDETEA STRICTAE.- NARDETALIA STRICTAE.- Trifolion humilis.- MULGEDIO-ACONITETEA.- ADENOSTYLETALIA ALLIARIAE.- Cirsion flavispinae.- Eryngion variifolii.- SCHEUCHZERIO PALUSTRIS-CARICETEA FUSCAE.- CARICETALIA FUSCAE.- Caricion intricatae.- MONTIO-CARDAMINETEA.- MONTIO-CARDAMINETALIA.- Cardamino-Montion.- RUPICOLOUS COMMUNITIES.- ADIANTETEA.- ADIANTETALIA CAPILLI-VENERIS.- Adiantion capilli-veneris.- ASPLENIETEA TRICHOMANIS.- POTENTILLETALIA CAULESCENTIS.- Potentillion caulescentis.- Rupicapnion africanae.- Violion saxifragae.- SARCOCAPNETALIA ENNEAPHYLLAE.- Sarcocapnion enneaphyllae.- TINGUARRETALIA SICULAE.- Campanulion velutinae.- Celsio antiatlanticae-Aeonion arborescentis.- Feerion angustifoliae.- Poterion ancistroidis.- POLYPODIETEA.- ANOMODONTO-POLYPODIETALIA.- Polypodion serrati.- AQUATIC (fresh water) AND HYGROPHILE ENVIRONMENTS.- ISOËTO-NANOJUNCETEA.- ISOËTETALIA.- PHRAGMITO-MAGNOCARICETEA.- BOLBOSCHOENETALIA MARITIMI.- Scirpion maritimi.- MAGNOCARICETALIA.- Magnocaricion elatae.- NASTURTIO-GLYCERIETALIA.- Glycerio-Sparganion.- PHRAGMITETALIA.- Phragmition communis.- POTAMOGETONETEA.- TERRESTRIAL HALO-GYPSOPHILE VEGETATION.- ATRIPLICETEA HALIMI.- ATRIPLICETALIA HALIMI.- SALSOLETALIA VERMICULATAE.- NERIO-TAMARICETEA.- TAMARICETALIA AFRICANAE.- Tamaricion africanae.- PEGANO HARMALAE-SALSOLETEA VERMICULATAE.- SALSOLO-NITRARIETALIA.- Limoniastro-Nitrarion.- Limoniastro-Zygophyllion.- SAGINETEA MARITIMAE.- Aeluropion litoralis.- Mesembryanthemion nodiflori.- SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE.- Limoniastrion monopetali.- SALICONIETALIA FRUTICOSAE.- Arthrocnemion glauci.- Salicornion fruticosae.- Suaedion brevifoliae.- Suaedion fruticosae.- COASTAL, LAGOON, ESTUARIAN OR MARINE ECOSYSTEMS.- AMMOPHILETEA.- AMMOPHILETALIA.- Ammophilion.- CAKILETEA MARITIMAE.- Euphorbion peplidis.- CRITHMO-STATICETEA.- CRITHMO-STATICETALIA.- Crithmo-Daucion halophili.- HELIANTHEMETEA GUTTATI.- VULPIETALIA.- Ononidion tournefortii.- MALCOLMIETALIA.- POLYCARPAEO NIVEAE-TRAGANETEA MOQUINI.- ZYGOPHYLLO FONTANESII-POLYCARPAETALIA NIVEAE.- Traganion moquinii.- JUNCETEA MARITIMAE.- JUNCETALIA MARITIMAE.- Jun
About the Author:

TALEB Mohammed Sghir

PhD in Plant Ecology and Flora, Mohammed V University in Rabat. University habilitation, Mohammed V University in Rabat. Research Professor in the Department of Botany and Plant Ecology, Institut Scientifique, Mohammed V University in Rabat. Author and co-author of several scientific publications (more than 30 publications in international revues: Acta Botanica Malacitana, Flora, Plant Ecology, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society etc.) in ecology, flora, vegetation and biodiversity conservation. Expert followed many projects related to biodiversity assessment and conservation.

Participated and presented oral papers and posters in many national and international scientific events (Conferences, Workshops and Congress etc.). Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) regional assessment meeting in Africa. Member of the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (MEP) of IPBES. Member of International Association of Botanical Gardens (IABG).

Member of CEM/EMP International IUCN program:

1 - Ecosystem Red List

2 - Dryland Ecosystem

3 - Mountain Ecosystem

Mohamed Fennane

Holder of "Doctorat d'état ès-sciences" from the "Université Aix Marseille III, France".Professor at the Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco Ex Head of the Department of Botany and Phytoecology, Institut Scientifique, Rabat Member of the International Board and the Executive Council of the OPTIMA (Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area) Member of the Botanical Linnean Society Member of the Expert team, authors of the National Study of Protected Areas in Morocco Member of the Expert team, authors of the National Study of Biodiversity Morocco Co-author of the books "La Grande Encyclopédie du Maroc, Volume Flore" and " Le Grand Livre de la Forêt Marocaine" Author of many publications about flora and vegetation of Morocco Coordinator and co-author of the book "Flore Pratique du Maroc", published on 3 volumes. Currently working on a Moroccan Red Data Book

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9783319937038
  • Publisher: Springer
  • Publisher Imprint: Springer
  • Height: 234 mm
  • No of Pages: 161
  • Series Title: Geobotany Studies
  • Sub Title: Phytosociology, Ecology and Geography
  • Width: 156 mm
  • ISBN-10: 3319937030
  • Publisher Date: 14 Jan 2019
  • Binding: Hardback
  • Language: English
  • Returnable: Y
  • Spine Width: 11 mm
  • Weight: 476 gr

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Vascular Plant Communities of Morocco
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