Table of Contents...
Contributing Authors...
1. Laboratory Culturing Techniques and Maintenance of Vibrio cholera
Kyle D. Brumfield, Bailey M. Carignan, and Mike S. Son
2. Genotypic and Phenotypic Assays to Distinguish Vibrio cholera Biotype
Kyle D. Brumfield, Bailey M. Carignan, and Mike S. Son
3. Preparation of Vibrio cholera Samples for RNA-seq Analysis
Jyl S. Matson
4. Random Transposon Mutagenesis of Vibrio cholera
Jyl S. Matson
5. Metabolomics of Vibrio cholera
Yusuke Minato, Jay S. Kirkwood, and Claudia C. Häse
6. Natural Cotransformation and Multiplxed Genome Editing by Natural Transformation (MuGENT) of Vibrio cholera
Ankur B. Dalia
7. Vibrio cholera Chromatin Immunoprecipitation
Julio C. Ayala, Jorge A. Benitez, and Anisia J. Silva
8. Fly Models of Vibrio cholera Infection and Colonization
Alexandra E. Purdy
9. Danio rerio as a Native Host Model for Understanding Pathophysiology of Vibrio cholera
Kristie C. Mitchell and Jeffrey H. Withey
10. Transposon Sequencing of Vibrio cholera in the Infant Rabbit Model of Cholera
Lauren M Shull and Andrew Camilli
11. Isolation of Outer Membrane Vesicles Including their Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses
Paul Kohl, Franz G. Zingl, Tom Eichmann, and Stefan Schild
12. Utilization of Vibrio cholera as a Model Organism to Screen natural Product Libraries for Identification of New Antibodies
Aleksandra E. Sikora, Richard Tehan, and Kerry PcPhail
13. Infant Mouse Model of Vibrio cholera Infection and Colonization
Jyl S. Matson
14. Methods for Assessments of Collagenolytic Activity of the Vibrio cholera Extracellular Proteases, Purification of Secreted Collagenase VchC, and Extraction of Type I Collagen from Fish SkinBo R. Weber and Aleksandra E. Sikora
15. Proteomics of Vibrio cholerarea
Ryszard A. Zielke